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Everything posted by Doc

  1. He was right. They started one with US.
  2. Have the Dolphins improved considerably since the end of last season? Basically they were counting on Ramsey, who will be out until December, and Fangio who is a 3-4 guy. And the Bills would have gone 3-0 against them if not for playing early in the season in Miami off a short week.
  3. Yup. And it's not going to get better but only get worse.
  4. It's the new middle, where the Dems used to be.
  5. "[He's] made no such claim. And you haven’t cited [him] supporting them either."
  6. Probably one of the biggest self-owns you'll ever see. Nicely done.
  7. It's the same paper. Miami has to prove they've closed the gap. It's not like the Bills did nothing over the off-season.
  8. Beane merely made the trade once they determined he wasn't working out. Blame the coaches for failing to see his potential. Yeah, like Andre in round 4 of that draft.
  9. Poroshenko was probably corrupt so that means little in and of itself. It's the actions, or more precisely the inaction (of charging Shokin with corruption) that meant something.
  10. I figured as much. Hard to type with those claws.
  11. "Every accusation is a confession..."
  12. Yes real crimes should be punished "redtail hawk."
  13. Yeah, they shipped them out as fast as they possibly could. NIMBY...
  14. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2023-06-29/california-cases-show-home-grown-leprosy-is-still-a-threat I guess you'll be avoiding Cali as well...
  15. They'll tell you it's because he allegedly was corrupt and not prosecuting corruption according to Barry's policy. The thing is, he wasn't corrupt since he wasn't charged with, much less convicted of, corruption and neither were all these people who were allegedly corrupt that he wasn't prosecuting. And they'll say Burisma wasn't a target. In other words, he/they lied.
  16. No, Dems would want to give black men AR-15s for another reason...
  17. And if he's so beatable in 2024...
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