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Everything posted by Doc

  1. You really think that people will vote for Kamala for President? Because when Joke looks even more feeble next year, that's how the Republicans will be framing the Joke/Harris ticket because that is what it would be soon after the election.
  2. I meant instead of a settlement it will likely be a loss for Taylor. Meaning no money.
  3. It might possibly conclude with a settlement, but likely will be a loss for Taylor. Again it's a known complication and he was only a short-time starter.
  4. Totally agree. But they know that as well, and if there were any concerns, they wouldn’t have had him play at all.
  5. If he had been injured, much less significantly, they would not have had him even suit up.
  6. You think that Joke and Kammy, who would have to take over as President soon after the election, are electable?
  7. The doctor's credentials are well-known to Taylor at this point and he allowed him to perform 2 nerve blocks in the days preceding, without incident. What he's trying to claim, as I alluded to before, is that by changing the concentration and/or amount of local anesthetic, it was battery since it wasn't a procedure he (would have) consented to and it caused the complication. Neither is true and it's amazing the case is being allowed to continue. One thing I'm not clear on, and I may have missed it, is did the insurance company offer a settlement? Or did they not want to settle at all?
  8. This. Not at all worried about the business side of things. Performance on the field is most important and that's in good hands. BTW, $500M potential cost overruns on a stadium in OP? Imagine the cost overruns on a domed stadium in downtown Buffalo.
  9. One could have argued that no one could have predicted what would happen that day, but Sund lays that theory to waste. So all efforts to stand-down security that day lends credence to the belief that they wanted something to happen, but not necessarily breaking-into the Capitol.
  10. The point is that the FBI was not able to detect a pipe bomb in plain sight before delivering Kammy to the DNC HQ. That level of incompetence should horrify everyone, no mater their political persuasion. So too should the "OJ trying to find the real killer(s)" level of fervor in identifying the person who left it there, when they could nab every grandma who stepped foot into the Capitol. Which makes people believe that the pipe bomb was a false flag.
  11. Sund better watch out. He might get a bullet to the back of the head while jogging at night in a botched robbery attempt.
  12. The report of him not being able to pick up his helmet was after practice on Thursday. He played last night with no limitations.
  13. Yeah, there may have been a documentation discrepancy and it's no shock the lawyer would seize on that, but that has nothing to do with it. To think that Tyrod, upon reading the consent, would have said "a higher percentage of bupivacaine? No way am I getting that!" is ridiculous.
  14. He's trying to claim that by using a different percentage of bupivacaine/Marcaine and/or volume that it was a different procedure and that's what caused the pneumo. It's not.
  15. Welcome to the age of social media where everything is scrutinized to the nth degree.
  16. Fair enough but he has zero chance of winning.
  17. Or maybe they were for bundling wires/cables so people wouldn't trip over them when the CP were escorting them around the building?
  18. Just wait another 15 years. Their aging population will destroy them.
  19. I don't think anyone's arguing that they made improvements last off-season and somewhat closed the gap (although, again, if not for ridiculous scheduling for the first game the Bills would have swept them in the regular season and ultimately knocked them out of the playoffs), have they done enough to close the gap even further this past off-season? I'd say no and that the gap got even wider. Even with a healthy Ramsey and Fangio coming aboard.
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