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Everything posted by Doc

  1. You know this how? Because of a single report after practice one day?
  2. Was in Rochester 2 weekends ago and thought about going but decided against it since I figured it would be packed and the kinks are still likely not worked out.
  3. I went to an axe throwing going away party for a CRNA last year. Free beer but only a couple. It was actually pretty fun.
  4. Yeah, women's sports aren't popular. Maybe that's why they want trans women in them?
  5. As if Dems can talk with how they excuse Joke's behavior.
  6. And his crowds would be even smaller these days.
  7. I'll take "The same one Slick Willy did" for $1000, Mayim.
  8. This time Trump would just sit back and let Joke ramble on.
  9. Hardly weird. It's what they do.
  10. No clearer indication that he won/Disney lost that one.
  11. Yup, they don't have many options. But Mayor Pete ain't one and they know it. And putting Grewsom in there and bypassing Kammy means blacks stay home, while running Joke and her means others stay home.
  12. The more pertinent question as it pertains to whether the women deserve to get paid as much as the money is how much does each US soccer league bring in?
  13. It's amazing what libs think should be taken literally...and not.
  14. Mayor Pete has zero chance of becoming President. And Kammy is a huge problem for the Dems. Bigger than anyone realizes at present.
  15. Except it's about money brought in, not success per se.
  16. Yeah, it's odd. He ended up starting the final 7 games as a rookie and then they punted him to another team.
  17. The Bills could have ended up with both.
  18. If you watch women's soccer in the future, you'll surely to see her as an analyst.
  19. Huh? Poyer was signed in 2017 and Teller was traded in 2019.
  20. Of course they don't. They ignore the obvious corruption that's right in front of their faces because it's their guy(s).
  21. This. One of the 2 major party's candidate is going to win. It's a choice of the lesser of two evils.
  22. Eh? Did they subtract a goal? Ah, just saw the first was an own-goal. Slightly different story.
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