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Everything posted by Doc

  1. I don’t recall anybody saying that. I only recall people saying that they sorely over paid for the team.
  2. No, most are because the baby has a health problem (like Downs) or there is a risk to the mother, but as was linked earlier, babies can be delivered safely in the 3rd trimester if they pose a risk to the mother.
  3. I'm not saying he'll succeed, just that the new owner might decide to keep him.
  4. Just like black and poor are too dumb (according to Dems) to get voter ID. At least they're telling you who they are now.
  5. Actually all studies show that the majority of people do not favor 3rd trimester abortions. Who thought the iPhone wouldn't succeed?
  6. If being able to abort a baby in the third trimester and just after birth are what are most important to children, we're *****.
  7. Then again, a 3 win season probably gets them a chance at a top QB in the draft. Given the trend of hiring offensive-minded coaches to be HCs, I can see Bienemy finally being given his shot.
  8. Where did you see/hear/read about the specifics WRT Miller's surgeries and White's?
  9. Yeah, I'm sure this won't affect more than 2% of students (90% wouldn't/don't read Shakespeare anyway and 8% in schools that will still stock it).
  10. Admit it, you stole that from Hilly's purse... Or every other African country for that matter?
  11. No, it was all the Dems. I thought the attacks on Romney, who was a decent guy and is now somewhat respected by Dems because he hates Trump, were bad. They took it to 11 with Trump. I've never seen such a phenomenon before. Wait, you're saying the country wasn't torn apart during Trump's Presidency? Or just not by Dems? I hate to break it to you but Russia's been interfering with our elections for decades. That's nothing new and the US does it to other countries as well. Obama knew it was happening but did nothing. You know why? Because he saw what they were doing was a joke and every analysis of their efforts failed to show them changing a single person's mind/vote. Meanwhile Comey is the one probably most responsible for Hilly losing with his last-minute announcement about re-opening the investigation into her deleting 30K emails off her private server. What did Trump do as a reward to repay Putin, if he colluded with Russia? "Almost destroy NATO"...by demanding the other countries pay their fair share and make it stronger overall? Is that Trump hotel in Moscow being built yet? And the bolded part is interesting but what I have suspected all along: you are willing to believe something despite it being unproven, based on how it "look[s]," but when the other side does it (Biden being corrupt) it's "prove it!" As for the Steele dossier, true it was originally commissioned by a Repub. But it was DOA until Steele took it over and used Russian disinformation (like the "pee tape" laugher) and tried to pass it off as if it were the truth.
  12. Still pales in comparison to what you all went through after you were so sure Hilly would win, that you bought Russian collusion and tore the country apart over it. Congrats.
  13. Was that pre- or post-sniff?
  14. Oliver, Ford, Jones, Phillips and Settle.
  15. One criminal versus another. Again, these are our choices...
  16. A doctor is required to be able to do math. So...
  17. In that division and with their QBs? I'd say ~.500 is about the best they can hope for again.
  18. Hoax. I no more love Trump than you love Joke. Probably because you believed he would "shut down the virus."
  19. Hear them spinning Joke lying about not talking to Hunter about his business dealings to finding out he was actively involved.
  20. Joke didn't go to war, did he? I guess that makes him a draft dodger, so he sucks. I have no idea why you love him. Oh and no, Beau didn't die in service and Trump didn't insult WW2 vets (he did insult McCain, who was a POW).
  21. Again, they're all still humans who like money and not to be sued/jailed.
  22. Do other EVs do something different? It's largely because Elon bought Twitter. I was working with an eye surgeon who would ask me about my Tesla (I've had it since 2017) and how he was thinking of getting one. Last time I worked with him he asked me about it and said "I'd like to get one but I hate Elon Musk." I laughed.
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