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Everything posted by Doc

  1. If Stroud starts week 1, I know who I'm taking with all 25 of my survivor picks.
  2. Have you ever killed someone while making a mistake/error? Or at least seriously injured someone?
  3. You don't have any Best Buys around you?
  4. I love Galaga as well. I got so good I rolled-over the scoring counter. The firing is limited on purpose: they don't want you destroying all the aliens before they get into formation. There is none (except for maybe consumer-modified ones) that will fire rapidly. I think they limit it to 2 shots (or 4 if you have double-fighters) on the screen at a time.
  5. I've heard of BG but wasn't sure what it was about so I looked it up. Appears to be a D&D type of game. I could never get into that/those types of games and prefer FPSs.
  6. My colleague said the MV plane was a political stunt, not long after it happened. I said "no, it's a) exposing Dems as hypocrites who claim to support illegals but get all NIMBY when they arrive and b) if they continue to send them to these types of areas, they'll see what border towns are up against."
  7. Because their government actually cares about their border.
  8. The left hates nothing more than a black man who has gone off the plantation.
  9. It doesn't need to hold up in court: it's an impeachment. And it's no more flimsy than impeaching Trump over the phone call, which now looks like a farce.
  10. Yup. You'd think they've even come up with some contrived charge at least.
  11. Because Trump is Hitler and what they did was justified. Oh how I wish their election interference had been restricted to just 4 hours on one afternoon!
  12. Depends on the reason for the 14 losses. If the offense is decent but the defense terrible, there's no reason to blame Bienemy.
  13. Recall that Wyatt Teller as a rookie couldn't even beat out Vlad Ducasse until midway through the season.
  14. Ridiculous. The poor girl burned to death, which is one of the worst ways to die and all this guy gets is 3-10 years?
  15. The idiot guy. No wait, too vague. The "smartest man Joke knows."
  16. And like I said, if aborting a baby in the 3rd trimester is the most important topic in most peoples' lives, we're ***** as a country.
  17. "Imagine if everything was completely different, then things would be different." Who writes this guy's stuff, Kamala?
  18. Which is negated by having the worst quarterback in the division. Does it matter? Second best offense in the NFL last year with a worse version.
  19. In related news, the Jets offense was terrible against the Panthers because their offensive line is terrible.
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