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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The DE grabbed his facemask and pulled him down. Should have been called.
  2. Sounds like Torrence (RG), Vandenmark (LT) and Gouraige (RT) showed promise.
  3. I was being facetious. Some were slobbering over him after the HOF game against the Jets.
  4. Anyone watch Dawand Jones with the Browns last night? Did he still look like a stud?
  5. The narrator sounds like my MIL's nephrologist. I didn't know he did that on the side... The best part was at the end when he said "if you would like to have the same wife, subscribe."
  6. Yup. It was terrible. But I still wanted it over Intellivision, which is what I got instead.
  7. IIRC, there was a thread on recipes. Someone posted that recipe as a legit one (I think it involved ramen noodles and pickle juice if memory serves me) and they all laughed him off the board basically. I'd rather he trade up to get a 1st round grade than miss out and keep that late draft pick. The issue is hitting on the pick. If they become what their evaluations believed (like Josh), there's no problem and you've done the best thing: filled a need with a talented player.
  8. What game(s) did he play in last pre-season? That will be your guide.
  9. And which political movement wants to "fundamentally transform America"? Like I've been saying, you can't love something you want to change drastically/completely.
  10. He's said the past 3 drafts that every player he's taken was a 1st round talent, sometimes the last one left on their board. That sounds strategic.
  11. This is what I'm thinking. Prior to the draft you don't know what player will be available and Beane might have thought that Kincaid would have been gone well before the 24th pick. But for a team looking to get to the SB and win it, going for need, as long as it's not a reach, is a good idea.
  12. I don't expect them to go 3-14. I think anything but a winning record gets Rivera fired and I can absolutely see Bienemy taking over. I guess we'll see.
  13. What a clown. The "economic engine of the Country" should be able to handle 20,000 migrants. Far better than bordering cities can. He should put them in all those unrented office buildings.
  14. It doesn't matter even if they said it, they didn't do what they should have done: convict him of corruption. Not to mention all the people he was allegedly protecting. They like to talk about proving Joke is corrupt and here we have someone they're claiming is but there has never been any proof of it. But they conveniently accept one and not the other.
  15. Bob's started a few towns over from me about 5 years before I got to CT. He used to be in the commercials but I haven't seen him in years and the voice for the cartoon Bob isn't his. He must not be doing too well these days.
  16. OK so you didn't kill or even injure anyone whenever you drove drunk. Maybe you weren't as impaired as Ruggs was? Maybe you just got lucky? I don't know. But the outcome is very relevant. Unless you're trying to say that anyone who drives drunk should face the consequences whether they kill someone or not?
  17. He did horribly on the S2. He's got no chance.
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