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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Every other position on the line was the clear starter, I think we can agree on that. But just because they may have wanted to see Bates in at center with the 2nd team doesn't mean they couldn't still have started him at RG and then moved him to 2nd team center with Torrence next to him. That is, it's not like he was on a pitch count. And in any case, Torrence did nothing to warrant demoting him to 2nd team with his performance. So he'll stay there.
  2. That and not hiding Joke or Kammy in the basement this time...
  3. 1. Call it what you want. You made a statement that the Western world couldn't possibly have been tricked into doing something. I provided you with an example where countries were tricked into committing billions of dollars and thousands of lives versus merely firing one man... 2. They didn't need a time machine: they just needed to follow-through with their so-called policy. They didn't hence it appears for all the world that he was fired for investigating Burisma, where Joke's son sat on the board, for no reason other than to buy influence...like getting a prosecutor fired.
  4. Everyone knows that Joke won't come close to finishing a 2nd term and no one wants Kammy as President.
  5. No chance he loses to Joke and Kammy again. There is no "I'll shut down the Wuhan virus" and "Hunter's laptop was Russian disinfo" lies to sell.
  6. 1. Good point. I'm sure that it would have been harder to trick the entire Western world into supporting firing Shokin than, say, invading a country because they had WMDs, right? 2. Policy? What policy? Was Burisma investigated, seeing as how it was more likely after Shokin was fired? Was anyone prosecuted for corruption after Shokin was fired considering he was hindering it? Was Shokin prosecuted for corruption after he was fired considering Joke had to extort Ukraine to get him fired for not prosecuting people who still weren't prosecuted after he was fired? Don't worry, I'm sure you'll willfully ignore all these questions.
  7. Make that more than 1/2, considering the last election...
  8. I thought I should revisit this since I messed up. You are correct that he blew a block badly in the 4th while playing RT. At LT he looked good.
  9. The "stunt/gimmick" talk was stupid from the beginning.
  10. That movie will be one of Disney's biggest flops. I hope they're not spending a lot on it.
  11. Just like all those people who threatened to move to Canada if Trump got elected.
  12. Like you I read a report from camp (but not from Astro) that RV was a guy to watch and I kept his name in the back of my mind. I think he's a lock for the 53 because none of the other backup LTs (save possibly Gouraige, who played against scrubs) appears worthy of keeping. I'd like to see them put Gouraige at RT.
  13. I mentioned this in the "Impressions" thread but regarding 2., the DE grabbed Vandenmark's facemask and pulled it down to gain leverage around him. It should have been called.
  14. Along with price increases, I wonder how much shrinkflation (decreasing amount you get but paying the same or more) is going on?
  15. Murray is going to be the big back I've been clamoring for for years.
  16. If we're talking about the same play (starting at 14:27 of 2nd quarter), I'm right. I took a video of it and have a screen cap but they're larger than 200KB. Ooops, my bad. I thought he said "LT" but he said "RT." I didn't see that play.
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