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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Where's the evidence for that?
  2. So anyone still think Russia has the ability to invade a NATO country? Didn't think so.
  3. Remember, these are the same people who saw Biden and thought "he's just fine."
  4. Driving 96 MPH while drunk? Moron. No surprise they lied about it. It's what they do.
  5. Yeah, higher prices, illegals causing crime and the World melting down. Sounds like nirvana...
  6. I doubt they told him to go do a pushup. Probably decided on his own and they were like "WTF?"
  7. His point was that having grandparents is a good thing for children. If the guy wants to insert "post-menopausal women," it's not a big deal. In the world, no. In developed countries, yes.
  8. Pushing the nuclear family, that led to humans surviving and thriving for tens of thousands of years. So weird...
  9. Wait, Trump claimed to have served and/or gone to war? And Clinton and Biden dodged the draft.
  10. The funniest part is they're trying to say she did absolutely nothing while VP. A ringing endorsement...
  11. Does that count for those here who didn't serve and criticized Trump for getting out of military duty because of bone spurs? I bet that would be everyone...
  12. Yup. They went from talking about replacing her as VP because she was so bad to "she's awesome!" despite doing nothing (literally) other than being installed as the nominee.
  13. They're making up something new almost daily...
  14. Naw, couldn't be a conspiracy. It's not like we didn't have the government and MSM lying to us about how senile Biden was...
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