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Everything posted by Doc

  1. It's something, but Shavers can also play STs.
  2. First off, every team has to constantly address the OL. You can be a victim of your own success and as a result find you can’t pay everyone. The Bills have had stability at LT and C for the past 4 years. Second, Kromer just joined the Bills last year.
  3. I still can't believe they picked-up his 5th year option. Dumb.
  4. With the team they have, no Day 3 draft pick is assured of anything anymore.
  5. The question is, can they justify keeping a roster spot for Reggie Gillian?
  6. A racist would say... And to answer the question, they're the right's version of AnQifa.
  7. Don't get me wrong, Morse was an important get for a young QB like Josh and has more or less justified his contract with the Bills. But he had (at the time of the 2021 draft) a concussion history and was getting long in the tooth. I gladly would have drafted Humphrey and then let him go the following year and used the $10M/year savings elsewhere on the team, like at another OL position, and in 4 years find another center. Especially in hindsight where Basham hasn't even come close to Humphrey. And again despite being able to use about anyone at C, the Chefs felt strong enough about him to take him that high. But they'll lose him not because they don't think he's worth it, but because they simply can't afford to keep him.
  8. Whipping out the race card is how they try to shut down discourse, because they don't want to hear dissent from what they've been told to think. When just a few years ago they were all for secure borders. But once Trump said "we need to build a wall," suddenly it was "let them all in you racists!" Honestly I've never seen such a phenomenon.
  9. It was (mostly) a joke. But if you think Joke is "of the people"...
  10. Joke would piss on you. But not because you're on fire...
  11. Unless he's wearing Tommy Copper, I'm not worried.
  12. Are you serious? Why even have a border? What is the endgame for libs here? You think these people are coming here to pick your fruit when they'd make more getting government handouts? You think they're going to integrate into society? Are you counting on them voting Dem so you're OK with this?
  13. And yet the Chefs used a 2nd rounder on Humphrey. In hindsight taking him over Basham would have been the far better move because it would have allowed them to save $10M/year. And then they could have let him walk in FA in 2025.
  14. Yeah and they did it without knowing a) there would be a story to sell and b) that he'd even be able to play college football, much less make $34.5M in the NFL.
  15. The Joke Admin is willing to indict Trump for anything and everything. What's stopping them from going after his kids? Nothing. Which tells me there's no there there.
  16. So he knew of the conservatorship as early as 2011. Sorry but that's on him. Open up the books and see how much the Tuohys made from TBS versus Oher. If it's substantially more, cut him a check and tell him to have a nice life. But make sure to deduct the amount of the tutor, living expenses, food, online courses, gas to and from practice, etc.
  17. Is this serious? If so, care to bet on that? Practically everyone does in training camp.
  18. The two aren't mutually exclusive. As I said in one of the threads talking about the game, Bates could have started at RG if they felt he was the better option and then had him play 2nd team C.
  19. A good number of Muslims feel that way. But OK, how about the other anti-Semitic things Omar has said? Does she represent all libs?
  20. Maybe not need, but replacing a $11.1M/year player with a $1.4M/year player, who is better, would have been, well, better. And he probably could have played OG for a year. I have to think they're grooming him to replace Morse, by the latest next year. Cutting him/having him retire frees-up $8.5M. It wasn't Beane who made the decision to move him. He just moved him once the decision was made. Speaking of Humphrey, they're going to have to pay him a ton of money next off-season.
  21. He's been in the league for 4 years. This season will be his 5th.
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