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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The point I was making with not even making the Pro Bowl in 2005 is not that he wasn't a promising and soon to be great player, but that the Bills gave him a huge raise when they didn't need to. And again he had 2 years left on that contract when he demanded a new one. As for the bolded, again, once they told him to wait a year he fired his previous agent and hired Parker, who I have no doubt told him he should set his sights on a bigger market for even the same money. And that was it for the Bills and nothing they could do would change his mind.
  2. They'll need Knox to help with Brown, which should, well, help. Dawkins needs to step-it-up though because he'll need to be left on an island. As for Doyle and Tenuta, they were 5th and 6th rounders. Basically stabs in the dark.
  3. He thinks I'm a white non-doctor playing an Indian doctor on the internet. It's funny.
  4. You forget the another option: impeach him next year.
  5. They're likely with Schiff's proof of Russian collusion...
  6. Better than the Nostradumbasses I encounter here...
  7. Is he? And the other guys are proving they can? He's the same size as several top MLBs in the game. So that dog don't hunt.
  8. Yeah Ford is looking like a cut. And big mistake not playing Williams at MLB.
  9. At this level, penalties are on the players and the players alone. You don't need coach telling you not to commit penalties after even junior high level football.
  10. Because Oher's not too bright in the head. Was probably the best thing for him. Now he's on his own.
  11. Yeah, this just did happen this way. Again they didn't have to give him the extension a year early and could have had him play under the $425K tender in his 3rd season and then tendered him again the following year. But they did. And he didn't even make the Pro Bowl at RT in 2005. As for what he demanded, I don't recall $13M, but I do recall him wanting to be paid more than Derrick Dockery, who was making $7M/year. Speaking of which, yes, Brandon must have thought himself such a great negotiator, giving Dockery that deal, when he'd never even made a Pro Bowl. As for the Bills not willing to give him $10M/year, there is zero evidence for that. That was the market rate and Ralph had made other great Bills players the highest-paid in the past. He just got pissed that he didn't get it when he demanded it and made the decision to leave, ultimately ending up making $10M/year in 2009, which is when the Bills wanted him to wait until anyway.
  12. Outside of Josh missing significant time, there is no excuse for missing the playoffs.
  13. When the team fails to make the playoffs, I'll listen to who this surefire replacement is.
  14. Right and they've made the playoffs 4 out of the last 5 years and won the AFCE all the past 3 years.
  15. I don't care about the grandson pic. Showering with your daughter though?
  16. Yeah they do. They just aren't playing him there.
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