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Everything posted by Doc

  1. I stand corrected. One was at LT (the facemask) and the other was at RT. And he started playing football late. Hopefully the best is yet to come.
  2. He would have adjusted his style to fit the rules.
  3. Sure he can win. No one wants Joke and more importantly Kammy taking over. Again these are our choices.
  4. Good luck. My MIL has been on dialysis for the past year and a half.
  5. I suspect many of them knew. They just had to carry their masters' water. How can a guy be corrupt if he was never charged, much less convicted, of it? You'd think conditions of the money being given would be "we need to see him and others prosecuted." Now we know for a fact that it was all bull#### and Joke had him fired to protect Burisma. My question is: when Joke is impeached, will is poll numbers go up?
  6. Trump gives them cover from having to report on the absolute shitshow this Admin is.
  7. Yeah, the left isn't violent at all. The Summer of 2020 never happened...
  8. Probably why Joke, said “no comment when he was first asked about it because he knew that the death toll was over a thousand.
  9. They’re like locusts. That was one of the most unwittingly funny statements I’ve read here. And that’s saying a lot.
  10. Not saying and never have I said it did. I’m saying they spent a little more money on Trump because Hilly was seen as the front runner and it brought about discord, which was their main goal. But that doesn’t mean collusion/coordination or that it worked.
  11. I have no doubt they promoted Trump a little more because Hilly was seen as the front runner. The more discord the better. Yeah. We got Joke, who is the worst.
  12. She’d be an 11 if she had a chest.
  13. He was not trying to disband NATO. He threatened to leave to get them to pay their fair share. And they did. He has loans through Russian affiliated banks? What does that have to do with anything? And yes, again, everyone agrees Russia interfered. They want/wanted to sow discord more than choosing a particular candidate.
  14. No it wasn't. It was in their best interest to sow discord and rip the country apart. Mission accomplished.
  15. Be thankful for the career you did have, Charlize.
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