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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Yes I'm sure lack of hearing caused him to suck down alcoholic beverages, get in his car and then speed. Moron. Horse? That's Walz's stick, er, shtick.. "Waaaah! They're lying about tampons in boys' bathrooms!"
  2. Time Magazine is a fossil. I have fond memories of it from 40 years ago.
  3. No, that's where he cut himself with the ketchup packet...
  4. Love the sentiment and hope he can keep it going.
  5. As more of his past embarrassments come to light, and get hammered home by Vance, he'll drag Harris down. I mean, how do you spin the 96 MPH DUI, qutting before being deployed and then claiming you went, allowing Minneapolis to burn and shooting residents with paintballs who are outside and his love of China?
  6. It's like they ignore his rapes/sexual assaults, much less the defiling of the Oval Office by sticking cigars up Monica's cooter. Then they have the audacity to talk about Trump's infidelity and alleged sexual assaults, when they have Slick campaigning for every Dem Presidential nominee.
  7. No, he looks like a powder keg ready to explode.
  8. Beyond abortion, which Trump and Repubs are now saying they'll accept until about 15 weeks, what else?
  9. Walz will blow a gasket over the number of times Vance hammers him on stolen valor and his destruction of Minneapolis. He's got that angry old man look to him.
  10. Of course you don't. But Clinton was a huge POS.
  11. As I've been saying, you don't need to like your prez as long as you see him doing a good job. Clinton was a POS and he was revered by Dems.
  12. Because as you said she thinks he's a POS, probably hates him and doesn't want to see him be President again? Remember when Dirtnap Harry stood on the floor of the Senate and lied about Romney not paying taxes for 10 years?
  13. What I'm laughing at is self-explanatory.
  14. Yeah I knew they accused him of that. I also know they hated his guts. And they waited until 2020 to come out with this breaking revelation. And they still haven't identified the guy. Where's the evidence? I've seen her speak. Just like I knew Biden was senile from seeing him speak. Something any real physician could easily diagnose.
  15. Walk this way, talk this way...
  16. All I'm hoping for is no injuries. Whenever the Bills play the Steelers, they always suffer a few of them.
  17. Yeah, I know she hates him. And she and/or her niece mentioned a guy (Josh Shapiro) who Trump met after he went to Penn. Then when she/they found out that piece of news (and that his wife and sister swore he would never do something like that) changed it to some other Shapiro. But I'd say it's possible. People getting into schools they shouldn't because of their family name, money, sports abilities or skin color isn't anything new.
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