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Everything posted by Doc

  1. They can't use the lies about it being perfectly safe and that it will prevent you from getting Wuhan virus or transmitting it anymore. So they can't mandate *****.
  2. It pales in comparison to Joke allowing Putin a "minor incursion" into Ukraine.
  3. I still recall Teflon Tony saying masks were ineffective...and then a week later saying they were effective. Way to lead, Tone.
  4. I wonder if he'd sell (up to 25%) but give control of day-to-day operations to the minority owner?
  5. Yes please to Kirksey. Get 'er done Poyer and Hyde!
  6. I don't blame her. The fans hate them, aren't showing up and the team is losing money. But Terry loves hockey. Which is why I don't believe he's fully selling the team. No, I don't think I'll ever forget it. I kept saying "wipe your nose Terry, wipe your nose." But he didn't listen for awhile.
  7. Not sure what they saw in Lance and glad they didn't get him. You can tell Dak is pissed.
  8. It will take time to sort through all the shell companies. Again they have all they need for impeachment. Criminal charges will take some time (like they have in Trump's case).
  9. Yeah, whether it's lies or dementia, neither is good. They don't seem to care. They can't quit him. TDS is real.
  10. I agree. I just thought it was odd he'd separate the 2. I read (speculation?) that PSE was Kim's baby so maybe splitting them might be better tax-wise. Someone also said he could sell up to a 25% stake in the Sabres. I don't know. But I'm 100% sure he's at least not selling the Bills.
  11. I do. I remember he had a huge boogie coming out of his nose.
  12. The funniest part is libs thinking his hires not resigning is a good thing...
  13. Never say never. I think it was a worthwhile wager. Probably not even enough for a drink at said casino, and you have no chance of making any money off of one of those...
  14. It's amazing to see the left get all up-in-arms over Trumps lies...when Joke has been lying for the past 50 years. So then what's Joke's excuse for the clown car he's assembled?
  15. And as I've been saying, there's more than enough to impeach Joke, given Trump was laughably impeached over a phone call trying to investigate what Joke will soon be impeached over. I have no doubt they're looking into criminal charges that, again, will have to wait until Joke is out of office (although Hunter is fair game).
  16. Could be, but that's why you hire people.
  17. I could see him doing that in the past, but the team is on the cusp of the playoffs this year. Edit: Why the laughing emoji, Dillenger4? Do I smell a wager?
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