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Everything posted by Doc

  1. That's a rack of letters you turn in and take a zero for that round.
  2. I started the topic just to have the name spelled correctly.
  3. You think Independents don't care more about the economy, inflation and the border? It's a theory I guess...
  4. A great reason to lead our country into ruin: "he would be better for the country but his personality was toxic..." FIFY.
  5. Not sure they have the time for another coup. But Shapiro ditching Harris is huge.
  6. Wrong. The 2008 housing crisis at it's core happened because people bought homes they couldn't afford and couldn't make payments on.
  7. It's a dumb idea. As has been said, home prices will just increase $25K.
  8. I have ZERO respect for anyone who thinks Harris is fit for office. So here we are.
  9. You'll love it. You'll have the theater to yourself.
  10. "Boy," yes because of the historical usage of the word when referring to black males. Altering a person's name, not even close. It's just another way to (pretend to) be offended over nothing. Yes and hiding from the press for a month is a sure sign of world leadership.
  11. They allow abortion for threat to the mother or if a fetus has a birth defect that will leave them incapacitated, but typically cap it at 17 weeks. Another reason why Dems are hypocrites for supporting Muslims, along with their treatment of women and LGBTQ+.
  12. Well, depends on whether you believe he "retired" without knowing he was going to be deployed to a war zone. To me that's little different than claiming you have bone spurs or asthma to get out of being sent to a war zone. And then of course still claiming you went is stolen valor.
  13. "Yeah Kamala, prices controls!"
  14. Altering his name isn't depriving him of human qualities. On the scale of things to get bent out of shape over, this is at the bottom, if even on the list.
  15. Sexual assault? Yes. Marital infidelity? No. Having an affair/sex in the Oval Office? Yes.
  16. How is "Obammy" dehumanizing? Is there a slang definition for it that none of us know about? Is this "dehumanizing" in the way the Vance couch lie is "funny"?
  17. She'll joyfully lead us off the cliff... You guys didn't care back then and still don't care, seeing as how Slick's still being used to campaign for your nominees. Which makes you either stupid and/or partisan.
  18. What dehumanizing nick name did he use? Yup, and raised by white people. I guess that's why Dirtnap Harry said he was "light-skinned" and "with no ***** dialect."
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