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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Not only not fix them but make them worse. But lather, rinse, repeat...
  2. I guess "cultural appropriation" is gone. Just say you identify with whatever culture you're emulating. Problem solved.
  3. I'd like to know where anyone ever said he didn't. We just laugh at those who believe Joke isn't as big, if not bigger of, a liar as Trump.
  4. I'm so glad my kids are in college or beyond, and away from this lunacy.
  5. True. All their corruption ended when they prosecuted Shokin for corruption and all the people he was protecting. Oh, wait a minute...
  6. They should sue the manufacturers of desirable items for making them too desirable...
  7. So is Joke and his whole Admin. Yet here we are...
  8. That's what he'd lose-out by sitting out half the season. And he'd make a ton more on the market next year.
  9. If you did before, you still should. You could also try a digital antenna.
  10. A ton of regulars left for good, many of who never visited here. I have an account there but haven't had/felt the need to visit much.
  11. No whataboutism, just stating the fact that Kammy slept her way to the top. If that weren't already known, I'd have espoused it anyway because there's no way she did it all on her own. And Kammy's not attractive? I agree. And she's half-Indian.
  12. LOL! Like Joke is any better. Cocaine in the ***** WH?
  13. Yeah, they're stuck with him for the next 2 seasons (not sure why Spotrac says potential out after the 2027 season).
  14. They hand them a 1-0. I'd love that kind of "hate."
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