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Everything posted by Doc

  1. A liar or senile, either way he's a huge embarrassment for the US and the World sees it. Good thing we have an unbiased media to go ape ***** over his lies or mental/physical decline like they did the last guy...
  2. Why so insecure? You're like the guy yelling how smart and intellectual he is. And then you can't even do basic math or make coherent arguments. But hey, only "real doctors" are Dems. You're a joke.
  3. I'm sure you have the fake diploma photoshopped already...
  4. All that won't make a bit of difference if he refuses to take what the defense is giving him and play long/hero ball. I don't understand what he was doing tonight and it's worrisome.
  5. There is no excuse for the way Josh played. Single-handedly lost the game.
  6. You've been here just a little over a year and already your shtick is tired.
  7. They don't care. They lie and mischaracterize everything. Why should this be different?
  8. I'll take an ugly win over a pretty loss. Or an ugly loss like last year.
  9. Unfortunately this is what happens when you barely play in pre-season. The games yesterday were mostly awful.
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