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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The only thing there's "no evidence" of is Shokin's corruption. The State Department never said he was and neither Shokin nor anyone he was allegedly protecting was ever charged with, much less convicted of, corruption. Meanwhile he was investigating Burisma and idiot boy was inexplicably (cough cough) on their Board. Oh, they definitely would. They just don't need evidence of them to impeach him.
  2. It's an impeachment. Even if there's no evidence of wrongdoing, there's plenty to fear... They have more than the Dems did for Trump's phone call impeachment. And they all have buyer's remorse. Have you seen Joke's poll numbers?
  3. Right. She never denied an election...
  4. Evidence of bribes would be part of criminal proceedings, which again can't happen until after Joke is out of Office. I'm talking impeachment, which doesn't need any hard evidence (see first Trump impeachment).
  5. Anyone who is fine with seeing Kammy being President has no business talking.
  6. I love hearing the libs whistling past the graveyard and daring the Repubs to impeach Joke. It's funny.
  7. On the TD he got his hand on the ball but Wilson made an absolutely incredible play to snag it.
  8. Yeah, Rodgers is done for his career and the Jets' season is done. The Jets are Josh's kryptonite, like the Browns are to Burrow and the Dols were to Brady.
  9. Right because Dems aren't huge liars. LOL! ou can talk all you want but there was no justification for Martin to assault Zimmerman. None. You can keep bloviating all you want but them's the facts.
  10. Again all the proof you need of how liberally slanted the media is. This would be news for weeks if it were Trump.
  11. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    They had to do it. It was and would have continued to be major distraction if they kept him on the roster. The DA didn't make his decision until December.
  12. It doesn't matter. None of that gave Martin the right to assault Zimmerman instead of going inside his father's home.
  13. I don' t need to dig. Or prove anything to you. I just call 'em like I see 'em. And what I see is that they know how to play you guys like fiddles, telling lies to get you all riled up in order to push their agenda of "fundamental transformation." I mean they even have you against things you supported just years ago and loathing yourselves for being white. Now that's impressive! As for Josh, I thought he had a chance to leave the hero ball behind what with the additions of Harty, Cook and Kincaid, and he seemed to get it early in the game. But he's a hero ball guy and always will be. I'll still support him but I doubt he ever gets the Bills a SB win.
  14. That you don't know your party is full of liars, especially the moron in the Oval Office, tells me you're not a doctor. You're just an internet poser. Seen many.
  15. The guy with the bigger dick doesn't demand to see the other guy's dick. He just knows...
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