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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Riiiiiiiiight. AND libs want to "fundamentally transform" America into a land of illegals, transgenders and criminals.
  2. When Mike Pence says he's OK with a 15-week limit...
  3. Because he let Putin invade Ukraine. Oh, wait a minute... Trump asked Russia to find Hilly's emails because our own "investigative" MSM wouldn't do it. But typically when you're "colluding" with someone, you don't announce it to the whole world... And I'll post the meme again for you:
  4. That someone isn't even corroborating Trotters claim. Never mind the (39?) other people on the Zoom call.
  5. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    Either that or they were sold a story and first impressions are hard to shake. Like in this case, all some seem to care about it "she was 17! She was an innocent child! String him up."
  6. Everyone loves their conspiracies, when it suits them. And I did answer the question. There's no conspiracy. Trotter either lied or misremembered. I just left an out for those who might say "the NFL swept it under the rug." Good question. How many of the white "guys" are suing the NFL?
  7. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    It’s still a distraction for him. I still think he’ll get signed. Maybe not this season though.
  8. I don't think that dumping on him for having a terrible game where he single-handedly lost it for the team is inappropriate. People saying he sucks and they need to find a new QB though are just dumb. And so too is dismissing the possibility that he got concussed on any number of the hits and hits to the head he took against the Jets.
  9. If Collins is a better option than Ifedi, then it does matter. They can sign him to the PS, get him up to speed and then play him if need be. They added Ifedi just 2 weeks ago and he can possibly end up the starter, why not Collins? That is again IF he's better than Ifedi. As for Van Demark and Gouriage, they appear to be LTs only I actually think Van Demark is the heir-apparent at LT.
  10. If he is, I envision it going like it did for Marino...
  11. Did you see the "unless it's all..." part? There is none. Again if 40 other people aren't corroborating Trotter's claim about Terry... And obviously we don't get to decide it, but we certainly do get to talk about it. Again if his answer (to the same person he claims assured him he would get a new contract) is essentially "I'm not on board with the NFL until they increase the number of black decision-makers" then he's not with them and they won't know when he will be. And publicly calling out your employer is never a good idea if you want to be retained. So they didn't renew his contract and at the same time laid off other people who had been there even longer and who were white. That's not racism.
  12. If 40 other people (the 39 other listeners on the call and the person speaking on the call) aren’t corroborating Trotter’s claims, at best it’s a misremembering of what was said and at worst an inexcusable lie. Unless it’s all a big conspiracy. So unless anybody comes forward corroborating his claim, this issue was pretty much dead.
  13. Too bad all their skits weren't funny. You could have written that one.
  14. Yes, I can see how the Federal Bureau of Investigation would do that. It's an easy mistake to make...
  15. You're the opposite of Monty Python: not funny, clever, or original.
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