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Everything posted by Doc

  1. He told them to"peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Nowhere did he even hint about breaking into the Capitol. And again, once they entered the Capitol...they had no plan and while there was a delay in certifying the election, it still proceeded.
  2. Your understanding based on...what? What you think happened? Sources? Pelosi basically admitted she forced him out. Biden is pissed with all of them. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened. And of course Nancy can threaten the 25th amendment, primarily by enlisting Harris, who has the power to actually begin proceedings (and why not, since she'd have been promised to be, and was, installed as the Presidential candidate) and other power players like Obama and Schumer.
  3. If we had a real mainstream media, we'd be hearing about this constantly like "kids in cages" or the UC who were lost under Trump.
  4. Whether he quit because he knew he was going to be deployed is secondary to claiming he actually was deployed. But hey, who cares if the first part is a lie? The reaction to it is hilarious! I have no idea. They clearly had no plan once they entered the Capitol and ended up leaving after a few hours without the government even close to being overthrown.
  5. Where? Point it out to me, you don't have to type it all over again.
  6. So you think Biden just stepped-down freely?
  7. The only side intent on genocide is the one who continues to say "from the river to the sea" and launched an ill-advised 9/11-style attack. So they get what they get. I have no sympathy for them and neither should you, when they use their own people as human shields and hoard the money, food and aid for themselves and their own people still support and vote for them. And yes, Russia is our enemy. The justification for spending hundreds of billions (that will mostly be lost to grifters) was that Russia would then be emboldened to go after a NATO country if Ukraine fell. When it's been clear from the first few months that Ukraine with minimal NATO backing was giving them all they could handle, much less what a NATO-backed country could do. And in the meantime Ukraine loses hundreds of thousands of people, mostly young ones, and incurs hundreds of billions in damage which will need to be provided to rebuild.
  8. Believe what? That they forced him out? There's nothing to believe as that's pretty much been proven at this point. Whether they threatened him with the 25th amendment? Yeah, I can believe it. Unless you think they threatened him in some other manner.
  9. Just like they "tried" to overthrow the government...
  10. Ah, thanks. Didn't see that, so that makes sense. No doubt another lie that's "hilarious" because of the reaction to it...
  11. Maybe because Israel is an ally and neither Ukraine nor Gaza are?
  12. LOL! Try learning the meaning behind the saying before parroting it.
  13. No point in staying in the race if he's not even on the ballot in NYS. However interesting to want to align with Trump, after allegedly trying to get a position with Harris.
  14. No need. He already agreed to exit the race before being 25th'd. And then Harris wouldn't be able to talk about what she's going to do 5 months from now despite already being in power...
  15. No need to feel sorry. They're trying to convince themselves that Harris isn't the same horrible VP they were hoping they could get rid of, and now think she'll make a great P.
  16. She was so bad her own party was plotting ways to remove her from just the VP spot. She's done nothing to make it any better while Trump is the same as he's been.
  17. Like I said, simple minds amuse easily. "Did you see the right freak out about the lie told about Vance? ZOMG it was lit!" Sums up your party.
  18. CNN is worse. And Trump appeared on it. Sorry that dog won't hunt.
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