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Everything posted by Doc

  1. They're entrenched. There's no turning back now.
  2. Again this is very revealing. LOL! Like anyone ever listened to RFK Jr. before he ran for President.
  3. An illegal?
  4. I disagree it's real. And even if it isn't, it should be considered an honor to be wanted as the 51st state.
  5. The MMR vaccine is what people should get. It's been around for decades. But as you said, there's no treatment for measles, so if you didn't get vaccinated and get measles, you're SOL. It's not like you can get the MMR at that point. And I have little doubt the vast majority of those who were unvaccinated were illegals. While those who were vaccinated weren't...and yet still got measles.
  6. I read that 5 of the infected were vaccinated. The rest I'd be willing to bet were illegals. Which isn an important piece of the puzzle.
  7. I don't see it. Sometimes people get so entrenched championing/defending a cause that they become entrenched and nothing can change their mind. That's where the Dems are with trans issues.
  8. Yeah but they were probably elected...
  9. The "Inflation Reduction Act' was a far bigger lie. So what "I'll shut down the virus."
  10. Russia invaded under the weak Presidents.
  11. What a hill to die on. But it's not a cult.
  12. "NATO something or other..." Imposing tariffs shouldn't make you feel like the US is an enemy of Canada. If it does... No, they're demanding peace so we don't have to fund a forever war that Ukraine will never win.
  13. Just 10M people. Or 25% of Canada...
  14. Same old playbook. Take a screen cap that tries to show you what you want it to show, but in reality it doesn't.
  15. Huh? She's looking at the guy who passes in front of her at the end of the clip.
  16. There is really no one/nearly as advanced as either.
  17. Watching the Dems at the SOTU reminded me of this commercial: It's for an antidepressant...
  18. Prescription for what, the pulse ox, Inspire or CPAP?
  19. Just because you snore, it doesn't mean you have sleep apnea. My wife snores loudly, so I bought a pulse oximeter that can send readings to a cell phone and her sats never dropped below 95%. And in a lot of cases, losing weight helps. There's also a device called Inspire that can help but involves going under anesthesia to see if you are a candidate and then a longer surgery to implant the device.
  20. That's a good question. I would think reciprocal.
  21. Sorry but "if I (a biological make who couldn't compete against other biological males) am not allowed to compete against biological females then I'll kill myself!" is not "genocide. And indicative of a far deeper problem.
  22. It's because at home they can get away with wasting time but in the office they can't.
  23. I survived and thrived during the last 4 years so...
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