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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The same guy who was calling his Communist counterpart buddy in China to apprise him of the goings-on in the US.
  2. And obviously what "coverage" they've provided hasn't made a bit of difference to this corrupt and incompetent Admin. I'd be willing to bet more children have died making the trek to America than in school shootings. But since it doesn't involve an AR-15... He's a Dem, so mentally it's in the single digits...
  3. Then what is he, to receive such special treatment from the US Government?
  4. Clearly it was taken and filled with deep fakes by the Russians. Because a drug-addled, corrupt cretin who would sleep with his dead brother's wife wouldn't actually do any of the stuff that was on there...
  5. Yes, impeachment. Again there doesn't need to be proof (again, phone call impeachment) just enough circumstantial evidence. Again claiming "I didn't know that there were classified documents next to my car in my garage that I've visited every weekend for the past 6 years" isn't a defense that will play well to most people.
  6. Oh, you got me, simp. I'll make sure I point out your simple mistakes next time. I've refrained several times already because I didn't want to go cheap like that but hey, when in Rome...
  7. Holy non-sequitur, Batman! You can't do basic mat. But you know Medicine...
  8. I'm not talking charging him, since he can't be charged while he's President.
  9. Josh was taking the underneath stuff a lot at the beginning of the Jets game. Then he got away from it by taking deeper/risker shots when the situation didn't warrant it, which makes me think he did get concussed.
  10. When you have documents in your garage and next to your car that you visit every weekend for years, "I didn't know they were there" isn't a valid excuse. The documents at the Penn-Biden center, sure.
  11. Even if we were to believe that Trump tried to shut down NATO, what does that have to do with Ukraine? They're not a NATO country. Furthermore the other member nations are scared to death of the US pulling out of NATO. Which is what Trump knew and why he squeezed them for more money. And they paid up.
  12. No, merely possessing them is enough for Joke. He has no right to them, period.
  13. Yup. Throw them both in jail. Or neither.
  14. I look forward to the re-imagining of "Roots"...
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