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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Trump received 4 deferments because of college and Biden received 5. After those, both were eventually disqualified from service for medical reasons: bone spurs for Trump and asthma for Biden.
  2. Is that the aggregate of the after-month down-revisions over the year or in addition to them? If it's the latter...
  3. Sorry, I didn't mean "you" as in you, per se. I'm talking about a person who looks at what she's done or not done while VP. Either she was involved in the bad policy or totally uninvolved and neither is a good look. Neither is saying "well I can't do anything for 5 months even though I'm in power now and being tapped to be President."
  4. Yup, that's why his message to his supporters is key.
  5. Welcome to the sordid world of politics. A simp like you would think so.
  6. Walz' superior, Doug Julin, said Walz knew deployment was a distinct possibility. And again, no one is criticizing his 24 years of service. And I don't know if I'd call it "dishonorable" to retire instead of going to war, any more than I'd consider it "dishonorable" to claim you had bone spurs or asthma to get out of being drafted. The "dishonorable" part is claiming you went.
  7. It was touted as the "Biden-Harris Administration" from the beginning. It was never the "Trump-Pence Administration" or the "Obama-Biden Administration." She owns the bad policies. But OK, you say she had no say in anything. That's not a great calling card for her. What are her qualifications then? She was rated the worst VP ever and they were looking to replace her on the ticket. And now she's the Dem nominee for President. Why not have her assume those duties now and attempt to fix things instead of letting people suffer for another 5 months? These are all questions anyone sane would ask.
  8. Yup. The Nazgul are Sauron's minions. And can't be killed by a man. Which is why I said... Considering you guys think the Vance couch thing is funny...
  9. Depends on how he frames it. If he tells his followers that throwing-away their votes is a symbolic waste of time and only potentially puts the person they least want to see in the Oval Office, then he could get them to vote for Trump.
  10. Yeah, who gives a shite about what someone actually said? Moron. Weapons? What weapons? He tweeted for them to stop soon after learning about the breach. Twitter took it down. He tweeted again. People didn't stop. Eventually they left. What's funny about about Walz retiring because he didn't want to be deployed to Iraq? It was as "peaceful" as the Summer riots of 2020...
  11. You know who else spent over $1B on their campaign? Against Trump, no less...
  12. Amazing how many people outside the inner-circle knew he was senile. I guess we just got lucky...
  13. Which would explain why the majority of Harris' base is on depression/anxiety medications...
  14. Sounds like the John Kerry-Iran thing from years ago. Will likely end up the same way.
  15. Sorry but "he made me do it" isn't a valid excuse anywhere, much less a court of law. And again Trump never told them to break into the Capitol and wasn't even at the Capitol to incite the riot.
  16. So...proof of citizenship. What's your issue here? That someone has misplaced it and can't find it and they should just be allowed to skate? That's not the way it works in any other situation where you are required to show proof of something.
  17. The goal was obviously for him to remain President. By having people "peacefully and patriotically mak[ing their] voices heard." It wasn't much of a plan and evidence by the fact that he didn't even bother going to the Capitol himself. Some idiots got the brilliant idea to break into the Capitol and people followed but once inside they were mostly peaceful and the election results were eventually certified.
  18. You mean the "demanding" part? So? Again nowhere did he say "break into the Capitol" and when they ignored that and broke in didn't demand anything.
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