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Everything posted by Doc

  1. They couldn't get Taylor for more eyeballs so they went with Beyonce. Might be worth watching if she wears a skimpy outfit like she did at the Met Gala.
  2. That would be a disaster for her. Then she'd have to start fixing things she says she'll fix in 5 months now.
  3. Some people think that if you went to Yale, you were rich. Sounds like Timmy didn't do his homework.
  4. Yeah, someone would have to argue that gay people...aren't people/adults.
  5. It's always someone else's fault for their failures in life...
  6. I'm not wasting my time watching the whole speech. I was hoping to see what the context of that weird mention of Yale but couldn't get it from the 6 seconds.
  7. No it's not. You said it would be reliable and acceptable to make people believe he wrote it when he had nothing to do with it.
  8. Hell no on Andreessen. Promising player and you wouldn't get much for him since the other team would say he's wholly unproven. As it stands, the entire draft class plus Andreessen, minus Ulofoshio and Clayton, have a real shot to make the 53 man roster. Not a bad draft class.
  9. That's what you would say if you want to promote the lie that he wrote it. It's like "we can't confirm he doesn't beat his wife, but..."
  10. Yeah because they know it will never get passed. There's nothing stopping them from giving more right now.
  11. I didn't watch the speech. What was the point of saying "we didn't have any kids go to Yale"? Right. And you know for a fact they're paying their "fair share" and aren't using every loophole they can, right? And again, lecturing people about the evil of generational wealth when they (well, Barry and Big Mike) will likely pass their generational wealth to their girls...
  12. Easy. A harmless fact-check that they can point to and say "see, we fact check our own!"
  13. You mean besides not caring if they lie just as long as it helps them?
  14. I loved the "wealth inequality/generational wealth is bad" lecture from the likes of Barry and Harpo. I'll expect them to donate the vast majority of their wealth after they die. Then again, who else will Harpo leave it to? Her cats?
  15. How could they...confirm that Trump didn't write Project 2025? Probably by doing what people did with that "Vance had sex with a couch" knee-slapper: got to the actual source and confirm it's a lie.
  16. Your point was that Russia, China and other countries have been trying to sow discord in America for decades by playing both sides against each other? Hey then, I'm in violent agreement with you.
  17. Saying the "pipe bomb" was an inside job is crazy talk, but Trump faking his own assassination...
  18. Not to mention denying him Secret Service protection, especially given his family's history.
  19. "A decade"? LOL! It's been going on for decades. And what about the MSM saying that Biden wasn't senile? Is that Russian propaganda? Chinese?
  20. Hoax. Crooks was a Dem. Agree on the second Iraq war. Was a huge mistake.
  21. No, the woman who sucked at being just Vice President, that's the gal for me!
  22. The couch thing was always stupid and juvenile because it was an easily proven lie. Attempts to make it into some master stroke of comedy is the only thing funny about it.
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