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Everything posted by Doc

  1. So InBev is paying the UFC $100M a year to stock BL. But people still have to buy it.
  2. They've been doing their best to avoid implicating Iran. For obvious reasons.
  3. Not to mention all those people she had suicided...
  4. Pointing out hypocrisy never bores me. And actually keeps me pretty busy these days... That was some good planning too! How many tampons do you think those tunnels held before they planned this barbarism?
  5. Like any 3rd World region, the money is kept and used by the rulers to keep in power while the populace gets nothing.
  6. A Jew funding Anti-Semitic insurrections? Just goes to show you that POS has always been hell-bent on destroying the US.
  7. Kind of like the brouhaha over the black history curriculum in Florida, eh?
  8. If Ankou hadn't been signed by the Falcons, he absolutely would have been active after Jones was put on IR. It is, considering there are no cheap Pro Bowl DTs available...
  9. The "Trump's "pretend the problem doesn't exist" campaign" is pretty funny considering that's what the Dems are doing with entitlements. But that also begs the question what else did Trump "pretend didn't exist"?
  10. And after all, the biggest Anti-Semites are among the Dems. Go figure!
  11. You never heard of a "fuzz buster" before? AKA a radar detector? Were you born here?
  12. I'll let the process play out as I've heard "we've got him now!" too many times. If he's found guilty and can't run again, so be it.
  13. That wasn't what I was asking. I was asking why you think they didn't want Ankou (or even Ty Johnson), who was on the PS?
  14. Didn't realize there was a game tonight. I guess the offense woke up finally.
  15. Suh has been a FA all this time and Simmons would hit the Titans with a $40M dead cap. Is he even being shopped?
  16. I think he was saying thanks for the info.
  17. Should never have let him go and should have cut Ford when the Falcons came calling.
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