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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Relax, they're all coming to take the menial minimum wage jobs. Yeah.
  2. If so, you should be as well. They'll all be on government assistance, sucking up your tax dollars.
  3. Joke should have added one more "don't." Cut them off.
  4. They should all refuse to participate if there's a biological male competing amidst them.
  5. They think they'll all become Dem voters. Because that's what America needs to right the sinking ship...
  6. Packers is just a few letters off from Panthers…
  7. Yup. Joke is like Carter except for being a very nice/good guy.
  8. Thankfully I found a wife who is not only beautiful but can also cook like nobody's business.
  9. They were giving them some money to appease them/use for humanitarian aid that never gets to the people. Iran though has been giving them the big bucks to fund their terror network/tunnels.
  10. Joke will be remembered like Jimmy Carter, except worse.
  11. Did CNN mention how the judge contributed to the Colorado Turnout Project, a "J6 was an insurrection!" group?
  12. Good ol' Mrs. Gibson. Never interacted with her outside of Halloween night.
  13. Why would you believe a single thing from a group of subhumans who killed children and babies by beheading them and/or lighting them on fire, sometimes in front of their parents? Much less offer a defense like "fake videos and audio"? It's truly amazing.
  14. Just do it like the Dems do Ron: ban them on social media...
  15. Good catch. But why (should anyone feel) the need to defend Hamas? And what is not being helped? They lied about Israel firing a missile at a hospital that killed 500, when the truth is that they fired it, it hit the hospital's parking lot and killed 50 people. The harm from that lie did real damage versus the tweet above which did no damage at all.
  16. Choco'Lite. And the widow who lived on our street always made popcorn balls every Halloween. I used to love those things.
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