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Everything posted by Doc

  1. More like protect itself, after giving them money and doing everything they could to appease them.
  2. The Congress critters need to find a way to get some of that Israel money...
  3. I was going to respond to BillsfanNC's post and say "watch them say 'it's only $40K.'" Morons. "I'm an alcoholic. How can I be held responsible for getting drunk, driving and killing someone? It makes me want to drink more."
  4. Who here wanted Belicheat for the Bills? He'll want to be GM as well and that's a deal-breaker.
  5. The first goal was the total fluke, and I can’t even put that on UPL.
  6. Four goals on 14 shots (and an empty netter). Amazing. On the flip side, UPL saved 38 out of 40 shots. His last two games he has a 96.8% save percentage. Hopefully a sign of things to come.
  7. He'll have his Pikachu of teams...
  8. Of course not. Because #nooneisabovethelaw
  9. You realize the hypocrisy of your statement, right?
  10. I'll bet the Dems now wish they'd kept McCarthy.
  11. My colleague (former Dem) brought this up to me today.
  12. I hate cooking. So my wife cooks and I'll do the dishes. Works out for us.
  13. Yup. Boyland's isn't. Neither is Ashli Babbit's.
  14. He won't be compos mentis by the election. That's why saying Kammy will be President is smart on the Repubs' part.
  15. And like Barry and Joke giving Iran hundreds of millions to billions of dollars.
  16. Of course not. He's not related to her...
  17. Sure. Meanwhile the US border has been dismantled by Joke's admin and this clown in charge of it.
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