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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Hopefully he follows through and the Dem party tears itself even more apart.
  2. When do Dems replace Joke and Kammy? And how?
  3. This Johnson guy has really triggered them. I think they like it.
  4. And LGBTQ+ and Jews. But it's for them they've been told to cheerlead...
  5. So 500K+ dead, billions corruptly stolen and Ukraine will still lost about 1/4 of their country to Russia. Way to go!
  6. The real issue was the Jags having an extra week to acclimate. Goodell, you #######. Part of me wants to see Miami win and Hill destroy them because I'm convinced the only reason they traded him to Miami (when they had numerous suitors) was to screw the Bills. Another part wants to see the ground swallow both teams up...
  7. Bingo. And reportedly the 87,000 IRS workers will be going after them mostly. Because the billionaires, contrary to what Dems have been told, will still be able to hide their money and take advantage of tax breaks not available to most people.
  8. Yeah but it was worth sacrificing those 500,000 lives just to prove that they were never going to win anyway...
  9. I remember having stone crabs as a early teenager in Miami. Never had them until about 10 years ago. Completely overrated.
  10. Who is the idiot who claimed there would be a soft landing? The same one who said that inflation was "transitory"?
  11. The in-the-ring fight that was proposed over this was called-off, but probably would have been anyway. Zuck tore his ACL training for another fight.
  12. That party will tear itself apart from the inside. You can't put that anti-Semitism stuff back in the bottle.
  13. Basically proving what I've been saying all along, i.e. that he was responsible for people breaking into the Capitol, not Trump who never said to do anything other than be peaceful and patriotic. Which is why the Dems want to make him go away.
  14. The Sabres only were outscored in 2 periods of the 6 against Philly.
  15. Both he and Joseph better play this weekend. The way I see it is they have nothing to lose.
  16. Even more telling they did nothing to him when he said he hates BLM (and Antifa) and that he was there to "storm the Capitol."
  17. Gotta put all their eggs (ahem) in the abortion basket now that Joke has cocked everything else up. Good luck with that one.
  18. Speaking of Chyna, aka Joan Laurer, she was from Penfield.
  19. The body keeps growing as we age. And as she said, she's put on weight, which can go to the breasts.
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