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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Her nose is crooked. She should use the money from OF to get it fixed.
  2. Man Mnshew sucks. That should’ve been a touchdown.
  3. Belicheat should be fired for that stupid special teams decision. Very special.
  4. Yes, a six point “beat down.” Where numerous missed or bogus calls could have affected the outcome. But hey, they got the taunting call…
  5. Who knew the left were such anti-Semites? You'd think with all their "the right are Nazis" talk...
  6. Could have saved an entire generation of young Ukrainian men. That population loss is going to be devastating.
  7. Yup. You wouldn't think this would need to be clarified.
  8. My MIL is nearing the end of her life and says she wants to die. But when we talk to her about stopping dialysis, she says "no." Everyone talks a good game about wanting to die. Until it comes times to actually make the decision. Which is understandable.
  9. He was something. With everything he's said and tweeted, he'd have been charged with something.
  10. It's obvious that if he didn't publicly criticize this incompetent and corrupt Admin, this never would have happened.
  11. I never thought I'd see the day where being able to kill a baby was more important to people than stopping the terrible policies of the Dems. But I guess it had to end sometime...
  12. And my favorite "2+2=4 is rooted in racism!" At this point, you're a moron if you don't realize it came from the lab.
  13. As they get more comfortable, he and Douglas will help offset the losses of Jones and White. Need someone (Williams) to do the same for Milano.
  14. I hate Kellyanne Conway for giving this clown his 15 minutes.
  15. Never mind that some Dems think that aborting a baby right after birth is OK.
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