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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Wrong. The Repubs used to be considered worse because some far-right groups were anti-semites. Now a large percentage of Dems are supporting Palestinians and by extension Hamas. Israel and Jews don't want nuance.
  2. Are they gonna sue the secret service SUV maker for making them too desirable to steal?
  3. The fact is that the Dems are now being viewed as the party of anti-semites.
  4. Amazing. They really are the party of lower expectations.
  5. Well they've already outed themselves as anti-semites...
  6. He was averaging 8 carries/game and 3.4 YPC prior to today. It will be interesting to see if they run him as much in the future as they did today.
  7. Maybe this game does get Belicheat fired immediately.
  8. Bold move there Belicheat. Going with the even weaker, armed quarterback. And that was intentional grounding. Actually.
  9. Trump has a Jewish SIL, Ivanka converted and their kids are Jewish. But the left thinkgs Trump is an anti-Semite. You can't make this stuff up.
  10. That's how everyone who wants to see restrictions on abortion sees it. It has nothing to do with "hating women," but that plays politically, so...
  11. That's fine. Just make sure they stay in Chicago.
  12. Liberals revealing themselves to be a) not smart (supporting a group that goes against their purported principles and/or b) anti-Semites.
  13. I wonder how much it's costing SF to sequester their homeless pop and clean up all the garbage/human waste from the streets? And are they keeping the homeless locked-up since many of them want to live on the streets?
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