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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The irony is her war criminal father was the bigger threat to the US and the World. Yet Dick Jr. is conveniently silent on that.
  2. Well it's between him and Joke, whose brain and body are both toast.
  3. The fool keeps using my "this will be worse than..." quote when it was clearly mocking him and his ilk over the stupidity of believing J6 was anything more than a "mostly peaceful protest."
  4. I used to drink tons of Coke back in HS but maybe drink it a couple times a year now. It's still my favorite drink. I hate the fake sugars and would rather just drink less of the real stuff (I try to find the Coke made with cane sugar).
  5. So if Joke has accomplished so much...why is he polling so horribly? And this is with the vast majority of the MSM on his side. Can you imagine what it would be like if they treated him like they treated Trump?
  6. I don't give a *****. We've wasted too much money already on an unwinnable war, one that could have been resolved a year ago, and worse yet our money is being stolen by corrupt pols. It's the same corrupt shithole it's always been and will never be a true democracy much less admitted into NATO, which is why I keep saying "meet the new boss."
  7. Yup. Someone who looks like her could have her choice of legal males.
  8. Still not an "insurrection." People acting stupidly and in some cases criminally? Sure and the latter deserved to be prosecuted.
  9. The vast majority of the World does this. So who exactly is sane? And I say this as an atheist.
  10. No more money for Ukraine. They can retrieve what we've already given from all their corrupt pols.
  11. If it reproduced, I'm sure baby BSTime needs the light kept on at night because Trump might be under the bed...
  12. Coming soon to the US...Panda virus '24.
  13. Are they banning two people of the same sex kissing in public?
  14. Yeah, I thought it was weird considering my son isn’t like that.
  15. Gonna be some interesting Thanksgiving dinner talks this year. "So [my son's girlfriend/likely fiance's name], how do you feel about your party wanting you dead?"
  16. Everyone's got a plan, til they get pain-gripped...
  17. My son's girlfriend/likely fiancee is half-Jewish and a Dem and had was ready to breakup with my son several months ago wonder how he could support a party that supposedly hates people (even though he's really an Independent). She's coming up with him on Tuesday for Thanksgiving. I'm going to have to ask her what she thinks now. Hamas has been killing Palestinians for decades. Hopefully they finally wake up to that fact.
  18. Is that moron still alive? I thought for sure he'd have had a fatal stroke by now. What do you expect from a party/people who support a group of people who hate women, LGBTQ+ and Jews (and in some cases, ironically, Muslims)...just as long as they're in another country.
  19. From a bathroom. Right where this filth belongs.
  20. Blacks know that Dems are racists. They don't care as long as they keep promising/giving them stuff. As for Jews, it's completely different when a large percentage of Dems actually want you dead and/or side with Hamas/Palestinians. There's a thread with Trump's name replacing Biden's. Trump was decidedly pro-Israel, put the US Embassy in Jerusalem and has Jewish family members.
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