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Everything posted by Doc

  1. That's obvious: they want to shape a narrative. And the saying about first impressions being hard to shake is very true, while repeating things over and over tend to give them credence.
  2. And some feel the need to feel/invent being oppressed/outraged for others. Which is what is tearing this country apart.
  3. As if Oakland could look any worse...
  4. Where did you hear this? And the far easier solution is requiring everyone to show ID. You need ID to do things like have a job, buy alcohol/cigarettes, get on a plane, cash a check, drive a car, etc., at least one of which everyone, even those who the Dems claim are too dumb to get an ID, does.
  5. Looking at him, probably any meat he can get his hands on...
  6. Good thing class has been restored to the WH...
  7. True except for the opening sentence. The Dem party is tearing itself apart from within because of all the anti-semitism. When they try and replace Kammy with a white guy...
  8. Dummycrats, the party of tolerance...
  9. Back-to-back games. And Comrie sucks.
  10. How is throwing a ball while in the pocket so far out of bounds that there’s no chance to catch the ball not grounding?
  11. They always leave out the most important words that provide context.
  12. Dang, 80% means a good number of Dems in there. Good old credit cards. Gonna be hitting $2T before you know it...
  13. Riiiiiiiight. Because Joke saying Romney, a decent person as the left now acknowledges, would "put y'all back in chains" is so nice...
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