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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Yeah I know what you were getting at, which is why I said that if Joke didn't also do absolutely nothing to MBS over JK's death, then your claims of Kushner/Donald being paid-off by MBS are moot. Unless you're also implicating Joke. Never mind that this corrupt Admin has had no problems going after their political rivals, investigated and found nothing untoward in the SA-Kushner deal.
  2. Which gets me back to what I said originally: the FBI/law enforcement has had these tapes, uncensored, for the past almost 3 years. Are you actually suggesting that this is the first time they've seen them?
  3. What influence did Jared sell? Maybe if Joke hadn't bent over backwards for MBS after all his fake tough talk while campaigning from his basement, you'd have a point. And yes, I'm sure Burisma needed a crackhead "attorney" from America to handle business in a field he knew nothing about, who just happened to be the son of the man who was responsible for billions of dollars being allocated there unless his bidding wasn't heeded.
  4. He had zero business being on the board of Burisma. Except to sell influence. To what end? I think we have a good idea...
  5. They're losing blacks, browns, Jews and Muslims. Is non-existent asthma a worse excuse than bone spurs?
  6. Trans-conservative... And sure Dick Jr., run for President. Waste the money of whoever is stupid enough to contribute to you for maybe a couple thousand votes.
  7. Was the report that the one American hostage released was related to someone who bought Hunter's crack piping?
  8. Gonna be a lot of Dems needing to be locked-up then...
  9. Then there will be another assassination....
  10. It's silly. It's not like the FBI didn't already have the videotapes...
  11. LOL! He's talking about other people sitting in the US all safe and sound. Do these clowns ever think?
  12. Do gays still love Dems now that they've (shown that they were always) aligned with the anti-semites who also hate gays?
  13. And no more taxpayer money. I never knew they were being given ~$8B/year by us.
  14. Sure. And Romney was gonna put us all back in chains.
  15. Well that was a complete and senseless waste of jet fuel and other petroleum based products...
  16. You would think so, but they're not. They're justifying crime and decrying black people being caught.
  17. They're basically saying that more black people will be arrested for crimes because they can't hide behind a ski mask.
  18. I've been hearing the "dictatorship" crap for decades now. It started with Romney. And oddly enough didn't happen under the allegedly most Hiltery President ever.
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