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Everything posted by Doc

  1. He believes he's Moses? You mean the fictional person who allegedly lived several millenia ago?
  2. No, many people in power make important decisions based on a work of fiction.
  3. Lib mouthpiece networks trying to continue race wars? Say it ain't so...
  4. They're scared of all the EOs Trump will issue on his first day, undoing what Joke did. Just like Joke did on his first day. Hypocrites.
  5. It's just a matter of the FBI not being able to identify him unless they show his picture to the masses...
  6. I don't agree with that. Either you have it or you don't. That's what the NFL used to think WRT playing QBs as rookies. But yes, I think they should alternate him and UPL.
  7. He not doing anything. The FBI has had the ability all along to release the video unblurred. This whole "aid and comfort" is a joke, but it sure plays politically!
  8. Yes it has. The FBI can release the video with faces, gait and demeanor unblurred for the general population to pore over and provide them solid tips without compromising national security. After almost 3 years, they haven't done so. You would think you would wonder why...
  9. Yes, I was there when the events unfolded and the US under Trump did nothing to MBS. Again, what has the US under Joke done to him/SA? Where's the kid po co there? As for impeachment, I'm sure you've heard that they're ready to vote on an impeachment inquiry next week. But judging by the polls, they really don't need to do more than just keep the threat of impeachment alive for the next 11 months.
  10. They'll continue to go up. The other contenders for the WC have major issues (as well).
  11. Sorry but "every guy" can't tell gait and demeanor on grainy/distant video and is exactly how you get frivolous tips. And if they truly think that can help, they can avoid blocking those out.
  12. You've suggested the $2B was blood money for letting MBS skate on the killing of JK. Or was there something else Trump did for SA ( our only frenemy in the region)? And if it was blood money, why hasn't Joke done anything to MBS? What's the hurry? The election is 11 months away.
  13. Levi should say with the Sabres. Comrie is trash and UPL is inconsistent.
  14. Meant to address this. I said to my wife the other day "like Dems only care when Trump does it..."
  15. So they can blur faces but not other things. Interesting theory...
  16. What "justice" are you talking about WRT Kushner? You are saying that the $2B he was given to manage by SA was in exchange for doing nothing to MBS for the killing of Khashoggi. I then pointed out to you that, despite his tough talk about MBS being a "pariah" from the safety of his basement while he was campaigning, Joke did nothing to him when he became President. So either the $2B had nothing to do with that or Joke is also getting some sort of payment to look the other way. Take your pick. As for the HOC investigation into it, it was led by Carolyn Maloney, a Dem. If you have a problem with how it was handled, take it up with her. No need to go all "deep state" to deflect the truth.
  17. That's why I always adhere to "actions speak louder than words." Most people are worthless liars.
  18. You realize the FBI can release the tapes on their own, right? Why don't they? Why has it taken this long to do it? Hmmm...
  19. Proving they want and are facilitating open borders.
  20. The low-info people already vote for him and will continue to do so.
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