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Everything posted by Doc

  1. If we're re-electing a corrupt, senile and incompetent codger based solely on abortion, we're ***** as a country.
  2. I was going to mention that. I said earlier that I wish Josh has told him to pound sand, but I missed that pat to the chest at that time and that pretty much was the same thing.
  3. Kicking at the 40 is a 57 yard FG. That's a low percentage kick.
  4. I hope he was watching the Eagles-Cowboys game, because it was called in that as well. Now it's TWO times for Andy...
  5. No, Joke is the Emmett Smith of lying. Longevity and a lot more of them. BTW, if Barry played as long as Emmett did/didn't retire as early as he did, he'd have the rushing record.
  6. A really lame penalty? What are you talking about?
  7. What do you expect from the mouthpieces of the party of anti-semites?
  8. She put out an ad telling people the wrong day to vote. 🤣
  9. I wish Josh had said "it was a legit penalty Patty, go pound sand."
  10. We'd be pissed at Toney, not the refs for throwing the flag on a legitimate penalty. There is no question at all he was off-sides and I've never heard the refs pick up a flag saying "we're giving the team a warning instead." It's idiotic to say a legit call was "the worst call ever" just because they didn't ignore it. Just really stunningly stupid. Yeah but Brady likely knew it was off-sides and took a chance with the throw.
  11. Yup. No one said it wouldn't be. But they did it to themselves (needing to win out because they blew very winnable games) so they'll need to prove they belong in the playoffs.
  12. Yeah, and that was incredibly crooked. I’ve never heard of a team getting a warning before, although I have seen missed calls and I’m now wondering if that was the reason why they were “missed”? Yeah, it’s not like it was the second drive in overtime and the receiver fumbles and the defense clearly recovers…
  13. That they shouldn’t have thrown the flag because it negated a “Hall of Fame” type play (even though they threw it before the play happened) and that it should’ve just been a warning. Because teams get warnings all the time. 🙄
  14. Mahomes at the podium whining about the offside saying they should’ve been given a warning instead. Shut up you little whiner.
  15. If (prior to J6) you were to tell a lib "I'm going to overthrow the Government with 1,000 unarmed people," they'd have laughed in your face. Now it's "insurrection."
  16. Several Bills fans (you know at least one) hate Terry because of the fracking. I don't know anyone who has quit watching because of that and thought you did.
  17. They've invented fake scandals, impeachments, called him "worse than Hitler" and are trying to put him in jail. Yet he's leading Joke in the polls because this Admin is that corrupt and inept. So it's time to try "dictator." Think it will work?
  18. Actually Jon Bovi was never buying the Bills, period. Once hair band dude got into bed with a Toronto company, much less one that commissioned a Toronto stadium study, it was all over for him. Thankfully.
  19. Her face is plain to see, daz. Yet nothing has happened to her.
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