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Posts posted by Doc

  1. What makes it so much more complicated? AVP makes the call, gives it to Fitz, who relays it to Trent. Unless Fitz is deaf or really horrible at "telephone," it's not a big deal other than it probably subtracts a couple seconds from the play clock (which isn't a big deal with the no-huddle). I think it could possibly be a pre-emptive strike should say, the headsets somehow cut-out during the game, and a call needs to be relayed to Trent.

  2. Peters' play was immaterial to the Eagles winning yesterday. Langston Walker could have started at LT for them, and they'd still have won 38-10, and McNabb would still have gotten hurt (not that it was in any way Peters' fault). Because Peters doesn't play defense or ST's (anymore) and can't protect his QB at all times.

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