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Posts posted by Doc

  1. Jauron should have told April, but he rarely communicates with his coaches. I imagine April wouldn't have been overstepping his authority to give that instruction w/o Jauron's say-so as it's obviously the right call. Of course in the 1-10000 chance he fumbles ( :thumbsup: ) April's keister is hanging in the breeze.

    The fumble is one no one other than a) McKelvin :devil: and b) the guy who decided to put him back there to return it, considering he fumbled earlier in the game. <_<

  2. Bills losses just don't bother me as much as they used to, probably because they happen a lot and I realize I can't control them. They played well against a team everyone and their mother thought would dismantle them, and in typical fashion, lost thanks to some dumb plays. They showed a lot, but not that they're ready to win a big game like that on the road on MNF.


    But it was the first game of a 16-game season. And it was a road loss to a team everyone thought would have been a loss anyway. So onto the rest of the season.

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