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Posts posted by Doc

  1. What makes it so much more complicated? AVP makes the call, gives it to Fitz, who relays it to Trent. Unless Fitz is deaf or really horrible at "telephone," it's not a big deal other than it probably subtracts a couple seconds from the play clock (which isn't a big deal with the no-huddle). I think it could possibly be a pre-emptive strike should say, the headsets somehow cut-out during the game, and a call needs to be relayed to Trent.

  2. Peters' play was immaterial to the Eagles winning yesterday. Langston Walker could have started at LT for them, and they'd still have won 38-10, and McNabb would still have gotten hurt (not that it was in any way Peters' fault). Because Peters doesn't play defense or ST's (anymore) and can't protect his QB at all times.

  3. Well you dont have to win the division to make the playoffs, but I also dont think the Vikes are a lock to win the division in the first place...

    The Lions won't win it. And with Urlacher being done for the season and Tinoisamoa being out for awhile, not to mention how poorly Cutler played, the Bears don't look like they'll do much this year. I see it being the Vikes with GB being the 2nd best team.

  4. Whoa, thats too much logic for Magox, he just wants Cutler to look as bad as possible so he can say Trent is better than him...however, at the end of the year, the Bears will be in the playoffs, Cutler will have thrown for more than a 1000 yards more than Trent and will have at least 10 more TD's and a higher passer rating depsite having way less weapons to work with...

    You think the Bears will make the playoffs? The Vikes will run away with the division, so that means wildcard. Do you see them beating-out the losers of the NFC East or South?

  5. Come on we've got Fine and Nelson---what's everybody worried about?


    Considering that he was the most physical player on the offense, a team leader and the only TE on the roster who could and would block anybody, yeah I'm a little worried about how soft the Bills suddenly are on the edge.

    Okay, make that 1 definitely worried (Simon) and 1 possibly worried (WEO).

  6. nfl.com says Orakpo had 2 tackles and Fletcher had 11-7 assited... I don't know if that means 11 solo because when I was watching the game I watch Fletcher get his 16th tackle and they showed the stat. I am thinking he ended up with 18 tackles today but nfl.com does not make it clear how their stats are broken down.

    He was credited with 11 solo and 7 assisted tackles, for 18 total.

  7. Are you suggesting the team should pick guys who don't fit what the current philosophy, anticipating failure? I guess that would be one way to ensure failure.


    For what it's worth, I think the Bills were really concentrating on strengthening the interior, as they thought the guards available in this draft were better than the tackles. It seems they thought Walker and Butler would be OK, if the interior was strong.

    That was my impression as well. And Levitre was rated the top OG in the draft by most.


    So far they missed (badly) on one assumption.

    Yep. Although I'd be interested to know what they would have done with Walker if they'd made Bell the starter from the beginning.

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