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Posts posted by Doc

  1. He was lousy when he was healthy and he'll be lousy when he comes back from the injury. Just because a guy is a high draft pick doesn't mean he can play. See Eric Flowers, JP Losman, Mike Williams, and Ryan Denney as recent prime examples.

    It could have been worse. They could have drafted Limas Sweed. At least Hardy caught 2 TD's, one of them a game-winning TD.

  2. Good catch on Buggs being a 2nd year guy, I overlooked that. I probably would work Johnson in slowly behind both Mitchell and Ellison to see where he fits best and let Buggs decide his own fate in the middle. Supposedly Fewell said Ellison could slip inside(I know :) ) and Harris would go outside. In that case once again Johnson could rotate with Harris till he gets more comfortable in the bills scheme. Doc, you also raise a good question on how much to give up and how to approach a contract extension. If I'm in charge (God help us all!!! :beer: ), I would give up a 3rd if an extension was worked out before hand and a fourth or a fifth if not. His speed and coverage skills alone would raise the D up another needed notch. IMO a big DT like Bamas Cody would then be a final piece of the puzzle to make the D really good.....

    I agree. The Bills need to concentrate on defense, particularly DT and LB, in the next draft. Although I like the potential of Harris and Palmer.

  3. He'd be a huge improvement over Ellison OR Mitchell in the Cover 2, and I don't think anybody is looking at him as a longterm answer in the middle. It's just the fear of a rookie in the middle until Poz is back. Speaking of Poz, I also think that Derrick Johnson is EXACTLY the type of LB he needs on one side of him to take his game to the next level.

    Buggs is a 2nd year player for the Bills. Although you could technically call him a rookie, he knows the playbook and calls.


    And again, the problem with DJ is that his contract is up at the end of the year and then he's an UFA. What pick would you give up and would you give him an extension immediately after trading for him, or wait until later?

  4. Johnson was an OLB prospect and moved inside at the end of last year. And now the Chefs are looking to bench and trade him. He'd be almost useless as a MLB in the Bills' system, since he doesn't know the defense, but could be a developmental type for later. But he's a 5th year player and probably in the last year of his contract, which makes things dicey. Do you trade for him and give him an extension without knowing if he's worth it?

  5. Jauron should have told April, but he rarely communicates with his coaches. I imagine April wouldn't have been overstepping his authority to give that instruction w/o Jauron's say-so as it's obviously the right call. Of course in the 1-10000 chance he fumbles ( :thumbsup: ) April's keister is hanging in the breeze.

    The fumble is one no one other than a) McKelvin :devil: and b) the guy who decided to put him back there to return it, considering he fumbled earlier in the game. <_<

  6. Bills losses just don't bother me as much as they used to, probably because they happen a lot and I realize I can't control them. They played well against a team everyone and their mother thought would dismantle them, and in typical fashion, lost thanks to some dumb plays. They showed a lot, but not that they're ready to win a big game like that on the road on MNF.


    But it was the first game of a 16-game season. And it was a road loss to a team everyone thought would have been a loss anyway. So onto the rest of the season.

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