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Everything posted by Doc

  1. A lot of the teams in front of the Bills right now have major issues. I believe the Bills will the division, but even if they don't, they'll make the playoffs as a wildcard.
  2. All some people care to know is that she was 17 (which, as below, is legal in 80% of the country) and that's the end of it for them. Never mind that she was responsible for and a willing participant in what happened to her, as it pertains to what happened between her and Araiza. Yup. Been saying for awhile that in 80% of the country 17 is legal. It's absurd to think that in California they mature at a slower rate, but that's probably why they have the "mistake of age" defense. She's not the type of person the statutory rape laws were meant to protect. Again I have 2 boys and this case, beyond it involving a (former) Bills player hit home because I could envision something similar happening to them (my younger son's college actually is right next to a high school).
  3. There shouldn't have been any. Unfortunately for him, either she or her lawyer lied about him having anything to do with the activities inside, and that made the episode outside the house public knowledge.
  4. Never mind that the Palestinians who died (far fewer than what is being reported by lying Hamas) did so because Hamas wouldn't let them leave and uses them as human shields.
  5. Commie's gonna commie... Joke can't remove his SS protection. And the they're desperately trying the other options (court cases).
  6. The Bills don't have to win out to win the division. They just need to finish with the same record as Miami and beat them in the season finale or win at least 1 more game than them.
  7. They've seen the polls, including the ones asking whether Joke should be investigated.
  8. Anything is possible but I give it a 10% chance. They haven't beaten a good team all year and are the most injured they've been.
  9. What are you talking about? I never said the Bills weren't right to cut him. I'm talking about it from his perspective. True 31 other teams wouldn't touch him, but they didn't draft him or get to know him for half a year like the Bills did...and then cut him. I can see how he feels betrayed by the team thinking they should have known he wasn't capable of doing those things and should have stuck by him (by placing him on a list), and that if they couldn't have his back in that instance, would they ever? The other teams he doesn't know how they would have reacted. Do you think that what she did was 100% fine. Or does she get a pass because she's "a child"?
  10. Yes but then he said "Professional sports teams, as well as college teams, should have the backbone to say, ‘Look we take these allegations seriously, but until allegations are proven, we can’t cut our guy." He's not saying he understands that the pressure forced the Bills to cut him: he said they showed no backbone.
  11. You can blame Joke for not allowing a deal to be made last year. Or being such a wuss that he allowed the invasion to happen in the first place. Let someone else give them billions to be stolen by that corrupt Government.
  12. I'd be inclined to agree with you if he had said "It's a shame that [this idea that society has] forced the team to cut me..." Instead he said the Bills didn't stick by him without naming them.
  13. Thats new info. Seemed like there was radio silence from the Bills. Good on them. But he definitely is upset with them.
  14. Putin warning against war crimes. LOL!
  15. No doubt LeCom James would stand for the Chinese national anthem...
  16. This is going to drag on for a long time. About, oh, 11 months I'd say...
  17. If the Bills beat Miami to end the season, they'll win the division. I don't see Miami beating the Cowboys or Ravens and I don't see the Bills losing to the Chargers or Cheaters.
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