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Posts posted by Doc

  1. The correct term should have been "journeyman-caliber" player. But it's a little too early to stick him with that label.


    Coming off the bench with no starter's reps, he allowed 1 sack, on a ball Trent held WAY too long, and the Bills didn't really attempt to run much to the right. I counted 3 plays to the right (right guard, to be exact). One of them was a 2 yard loss, on FJ's fumble, and the other 2 were on the Bills' final drive, with one going for 43 yards and the other a 2 yard loss.

  2. This will probably end up being a game where the Bills coulda used a wicked two-back set with both ML and FJ. Too bad Lynch got caught with a legal firearm in his trunk and didn't just brutally kill hundreds of animals or he'd be back for this one.

    Too true. Speaking of which, I heard that Vick's jersey has been flying off the shelves and are now on back-order. Score one for NFL marketing!

  3. Only thing I disagree with is your comment on Bell. I thought he played well today, and took far less penalties than last week. Give it time. Trent was only sacked once today, and last week 2 of his 5 sacks came at the end when he was running for his life...


    He didn't make any game-changing mistakes today, which is really all you can ask from him. With more playing time, he is only going to get better.

    On that final drive on MNF, the Patriots also knew it was going to be pass, pass, pass, and teed-off on it. I agree that Bell is getting/will continue to get better and needs to be kept in there.

  4. Yeah, I'm very curious also.

    I'm just not getting my hopes up that we're going to see a significantly better version.

    It would be sweet though to line them both up and see Jackson running wide for the pitch and Lynch hitting the line straight up and the defense never sure which one is going to get the ball. We might get to see a lot of frozen 'backers.

    They were doing that in pre-season, no? If so, I think that's what we'll see.

  5. I agree he's a load when he's got his steam up but I would probably amend the opening of your sentence to say "if there are holes and he sees them".

    Marshawn's vision seems as bad as Jackson's seems good.

    And that does not bode well for Lynch. :lol:

    I can't argue with you there Simon. But looking at the numbers Lynch has put up, seeing 8-men fronts most of the time, I'd still like to see what he can do in this offense.

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