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Posts posted by Doc

  1. right wing nuts jobs like to make up this stuff. is that u rush!?!?

    How do you make up the truth? There are going to be massive cuts in Medicare. That means cuts in services and/or cuts in reimbursements to doctors. In either (much less both) case, you have seniors who will be denied treatment. Barry and co. just don't want you to know about it before they try and railroad it through, not to mention the exorbitant cost of this albatross.

  2. lol is about right - great to see actual healthcare practitioners like 13 ('House') and Dr. Turk ('Scrubs') doing their best to enlighten the ignorant masses about the crucial issue of national healthcare - especially since most of us haven't even read the bill as thoroughly as they have :devil:


    And of course, having an intellectual heavyweight like Will Ferrell throwing his weight behind the cause can't hurt either , especially when it comes to discussing overpaid insurance execs - after all, who knows more about being overpaid than Ferrell...


    Will Farrell's pay:


    * Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006): $20,000,000

    * Bewitched (2005): $20,000,000

    * Kicking & Screaming (2005): $20,000,000

    That's exactly how I felt after seeing that piece, which I'll admit was funny in spots. As if any of those well-paid actors will be going on the public option. :rolleyes:


    It's like the Democrats saying "the public option is great...but it won't apply to us." Ask vets and Native Americans what kind of care they receive from government-run health care.

  3. Al Michaels during the Sunday Night game was fighting for an LA team. He was trying to say how great the market was and cited a game 50 years ago that drew 100,000 people, pathetic.

    I know He said that the idea that LA couldn't support a team was "garbage" because of that game. LOL!


    But word is the NFL still wants to put a team there.

  4. Which means he's probably not ready to start, and has nothing in terms of game experience in the NFL.


    I'm not saying they should have signed Runyon, but maybe experience should have played a factor.

    Bruce has experience at DE and the Bills could use a top-flight pass-rusher. There comes a point where experience doesn't mean much if you're too old, too injured, or just don't fit the system.

  5. to whom, might i humbly ask, did TO make such an admission, considering he's declined to talk to most -- and all by my knowledge -- reporters over the past three days.

    To anyone who follows him on Twitter, which I do not. And those who hear about it from others who do.


    Would it be fair to say that you seem miffed?

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