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Posts posted by Doc

  1. And anyone who wants to B word at the reporters for "baiting" him needs to ask themselves which side first decided to ramp up the tension inside that room.


    But I guess I'm showing my "slant" again, right? Stats and facts from now on, as Chandler#81 requested. Nothing else.

    So kicking the door open gave the reporters an excuse for asking the questions they did? But getting nothing close to the response(s) they were looking for from him. And still complaining about it. :lol:


    As I said to john, better off TO doesn't meet with the media because it's no a no-win situation.

  2. He had the opportunity to speak in the locker room following the first two games. And you can praise/blame the Bills PR department for setting up in the media room last Sunday, because it certainly wasn't the writers' idea.

    Yeah, that will probably all change now.

    At least if he's in the locker room, he (probably) won't be kicking any doors open.

    What does that have to do with anything?

  3. BTW, ESPN Countdown just said that TO pays the mandatory fine for not speaking with the media after games because he doesn't want to be a distraction (:() and it's just easier to pay the fines. They're also thinking of letting him address the media from the lockerroom post-game, instead of having him go up to the podium. Yep, sounds like he hasn't changed. :lol:

  4. Because you have been correct so often over the years, your opinion of Trent concerns me.


    At this time however I respectfully disagree. Imo the kid is good, but there is also no logical reason to not expect him to get his brains beat in on the Buffalo Bills, a team built on defensive backs and special team gadget players. That is how we roll. Flutie was different because he thrived on broken plays, and made the neglected, non-talented OL seem not as bad.

    I seriously hope I'm wrong. Nothing would be more disconcerting than having to find yet another QB. But time is running short.

    The hope that I cling to is the new interior OL, but the desperate need at OT, and for that matter DT isn't going away.

    I think that DT, and defense in general, is fine currently (although mounting injuries are starting to worry me). The score was 10-7 for the first 50 minutes of the game last weekend. But Stroud is getting older and more depth/his replacement would be nice for the future. As for OT, injuries have killed the Bills there with Butler being lost and Bell nursing his injury. But there were chances last weekend that Trent failed to take advantage of, despite the OT situation.

  5. Jauron needs to go. I've seen enough from him to know the Bills won't go far in the playoffs, if they somehow make them. The problem is, I hope the Bills do well this year and make the playoffs, but if they do, it means Jauron sticks around for another year. :lol:

  6. I am soooo sick of this Captain Checkdown crap. Would we rather have JP back... A guy who could only throw the long ball, but sucked at checking down? Or would you rather scrap Trent and drat yet another QB hoping that they progress fast enough for us to be in the playoffs? What would that be another 2-3 years?

    Do you think Trent will suddenly start to improve? I don't. It's his 3rd year and nothing has changed, if not gotten worse. The "checkdown" problem has been there since last year and Trent has done nothing to change it. Drafting a QB isn't what we want to see, but it's better than spinning ones wheels in vain.

  7. the way that press conference went, i think many are disappointed that he actually DIDN'T call out some people, because that would've been a more apt description of reality as opposed to the "lame" excuses that were provided.


    and that's Terrell's fault, too, in my opinion. if he claims to be honest to a fault, then he let a lot of people down on this one.

    So basically what you're saying is, he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Why should he even bother talking to the media at this point? Heck even when he tries to take care of things in private, like that meeting last season he and 2 other Cowboys WR's had with Jason Garrett about Romo's over-reliance on Jason Witten, still the "Werd(er)" got out and he was vilified for it. :lol:

  8. "Doc"--if Moss is dogging it, and the press wants to call him on it---I have no problem with that. I have been consistent with my criticism on Moss in this regard---and you absolutely know this, but pretend otherwise. It doesn't change the fact that he hasn't (until 9/28, apparently) given the press much to talk about---no reality show, no public house hunting follies, no goofy getups and "tense" press conferences, no opinions on poor Mick Vick's harsh treatment by Goodell...


    I never said Moss "could" change, I'm simply noting that he did change. You understand the difference don't you? Maybe TO will change, but I think even you know where this is headed if the Bills continue to decompose.

    The thing is, Moss didn't change. He merely had one record-breaking season in 2007 (yet his team didn't win the SB, thus he's not a "champeen" like Harrison, and he was hardly "crestfallen" afterwards) and people were duped into thinking he'd changed. And, if you were watching, him "dogging-it" go back to last season, but his excuse was Brady being out.


    The fact that you're even defending Moss at all, given his "thuggery" dating back to his high school days, and in light of your opinions on Lynch and Hardy, is curious as well. Although I've come to expect that lack of consistency in you. Better to save your scorn for a player who plays great on the field, stays clean off it, but who brings attention to himself. Not that you were a fan of Garcia and McNabb before TO called them out, while it's just Romo and his BFF Witten, the Cowboys' offense, and Romo in particular, amazingly look bad.


    Moss has zero personality. Hence the reason no one is asking his opinion of Vick, asking him to do reality shows, etc. Or maybe they're afraid of him running them over in his car?


    And as I've repeatedly told you, there is nothing TO can do to the team even if he were to go postal. Which he hasn't and won't, because he has guys like Evans (who doesn't particularly care for Trent and isn't shy about implying that, but who also won't get roasted for saying so) and Jackson to make controversial statements for him. This was the perfect opportunity for him to call the organization "classless" for not getting him a catch and extending his catch streak. Instead all anyone can talk about is how he was antagonistic towards them.

  9. Gee, John--exactly where in my post that you reference do I put TO's thoughts into words?


    What are your thoughts about TO's past relationship with his teams, his fans and the press? Have they changed since you have been covering him in Buffalo?


    And Loyaltothegame:


    You missed the point---the guys I mentioned don't get taken on by the press not because they play on "media darling teams", but because they keep their mouths shut and play the game.


    Moss was ridiculed by the press for his childish behavior/legal problems--and rightly so. He was also widely called out by many for absolutely dogging it in Oakland--where he was a pathetic quitter. Since he left for NE, he's done nothing to interest the salacious aspects of the press. He's kept his nose clean and his mouth shut, and just played the game.


    Get it now?

    Doh! :wallbash:


    But funny how you were so willing to believe Moss could change, and TO cannot. Then again, knowing you, it's not a surprise. I'm sure you'll no doubt spin how Moss (who has been in the league 2 years fewer than TO, and is currently on his 3rd team) is on his 4th team after the 2010 season, if not sooner.

  10. Yeah, really! He's like a hero or something--showing so much restraint.


    If you think he was crestfallen after last week's loss---you should see how upset he was after his team lost the Super Bowl.

    Awww, poor baby. I know you and most of the media have been waiting with bated breath to say "TO done blowed up tha team," and this was the perfect opportunity for him to do so, but it just didn't happen (obviously much to your chagrin). I mean, even though Trent played like JP on muscle relaxants, his consecutive games-with-a-catch streak was broken, and the media tried to get him to say something inflammatory by asking such "appropriate" questions as "do you think you and Evans are being wasted?" TO didn't give any of his detractors the satisfaction. But it still didn't stop them (ahem) from blithering on about god knows what. Not that it wasn't totally expected.


    And how crestfallen do you believe TO wasn't after losing the SB? And what about Moss? How crestfallen was he after losing the SB? What about Fitzgerald? What did they say to you, in confidence?

  11. Given Trent earning his nickname so far this season, plus his 185-game catch streak being broken, it's amazing TO didn't go postal and throw Trent under the bus after the Saints game. Yet he still caught hell for "having an attitude" after a tough and frustrating loss. :D

  12. Yes of course they tried to bait him after the last game, and I never said they didn't, but to say everything ever said by T.O. was because the media baited him is ridiculous, and if you think otherwise you do need meds-not to mention you must have been in a coma for the last decade. How did the media bait him to slam Jeff Garcia and say he was a homosexual? How did the media make him sit in his driveway working out like a mental case? How did the media make him try to overdose on pills? How did the media make him slam McNabb and the Eagles to the point that they kicked him off the team? Disagreeing with someone on a controversial issue, in which there are as many people who agree with Dungy as there aren't, doesn't warrant the hate and overboard ranting that was displayed. I never even said I agreed with Dungy, but it was more than a little over reaction don't you think? Me wanting the team in disarray and wanting T.O. to run over teammates isn't true, but it doesn't matter what I want because it will most likely happen anyway eventually. Read a post before you react to it, and don't read things into it that aren't there.

    Who claimed that "everything ever said by TO was because the media baited him?" Why is it all or nothing with some people?

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