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Posts posted by Doc

  1. #1 meredith isn't a LT


    #2 Wood can't play 2 OL spots at the same time


    #3 I dont get this post

    I think what he was trying to say is that there are some young pieces that show promise, like the rooks (Wood, Levitre, and Meredith), along with Hangman. I don't know who he meant would be playing RT, but I'd say Butler (although he's getting close to being called injury-prone). Meredith has the ability to play LT, but whether he ends up there next year is anyone's guess. And personally I think Wood moves to center next year with Hangman moving to RG.

  2. What I don't like is that we've given up 54 rushing first downs, just one better than the worst-in-the-league Browns. Rushing first downs are really the sign of us getting beat where it counts, all the more painful because our pass defense is playing really well (or at least, is simply blessed by opponents like Byron Leftwich, Derek Anderson, and Mark Sanchez)

    The pass defense played great against Brees. It's been the inability of the offense to generate anything good, and more often than not generate things that are bad, that's put the team in a bad situation. And the ST's haven't helped matters any.

  3. Sorry, what quote are you talking about? There was no quotation in the post you replied to.


    And jeez, you are cracking me up here with that last sentence. Not one page ago you were saying that Peters being out made the Eagles lose. Now you're saying it made no difference. Before that you said he wouldn't have made any difference if he were here in Buffalo.


    Could you do me a favor and decide what you want to say? Maybe we will agree. Does Peters make a difference or not?

    I said that Peters' presence "probably" would have helped the Eagles win. That's what one would expect from a $10M/year franchise LT, no? What that has to do with others possibly thinking his absence had no effect on the game, and thus not taking him to task for it, is anyone's guess!


    He would have been better-served not saying he COULD have gone back into the game, just like he would have been better-served not talking about how his contract situation affected his play last year.


    I think I've heard of Clumping Platelets in my travels, but I can't remember specifically.


    Well, as I showed in my link, I get my numbers from the Buffalo News. I trust them more, frankly.


    And after the season started, the Bills signed McGee to an extension, so they are now spending more than the News said they were.


    And again, you said "10% of the cap." You keep trying to forget that, but it's what you said. The cap is $128 million, and that would put Peters at less than 8%.

    The salary max could be $200M, making Peters' salary a mere 5% in relation. It's immaterial when Ralph is spending $100M on players. I won't belabor this point any further.

  4. A prior article by Felser emphasized that sacking Dick Jauron is not a solution to what ails this dysfunctional organization. He pointed out that the front office, scouting department and coaching staff are inept. The gist of his article is that the organization is in shambles and that it is going to take a major overhaul, top to bottom, to start the long term process of rebuilding.


    When you have a complex organization competing in a highly compettitive environement run by a 91 yr old clueless owner there should be no surprise that the franchise has been stuck in the mud for a decade and has become one of the most irrelevant franchises in the league. :rolleyes:

    Funny, Felser has been irrelevant for a lot longer that that. I actually forgot he was still around. :beer:

  5. Of course it's entirely possible that the Yankees will pull off the second biggest choke job in ALCS History and the Angels will be the team worrying about who to start in game 1 of the WS.


    I'm just sayin'...

    It's possible. Depends on how roided-up the Angels are.

  6. There is no tough decision-Trent is probably out until after the bye. If Fitzpatrick wins the next 2 games, he's the starter-not just this game, but he must continue to play well against Houston. By the way, hitting 40%, like he did against the Jets and winning the game because the Jets coach out-buffooned Jauron doesn't instill a lot of confidence that Fitzpatrick will blow us away two weeks in a row to win the job. He's much more likely to just blow, than to blow us away.

    Given that Fitz didn't have the week to practice and prepare as the starter, had 3 rookies and a 2nd year player protecting him, was on the road in a cold and windy game, and was facing a pretty good secondary, I don't think you can put too much stock in the 40% passing, or his overall performance in general. In his 12 starts, 13 games, and 372 throws last year with the Bengals, he was 59.4% passing. If he does well, he's the starter. If he does poorly, it's Hamdan time.

  7. I would agree about the offense statement...but totally disagree with teh injuries at LB and safety statement. LBs and safeties will only look as good as the linemend in front of them. If tackles aren't eating up blockers and DE's aren't creating havoc, Ray Lewis in his prime isn't going to stop a good run game.

    Well, I'd rather see Mitchell, Whitner, and Scott back in there and starting. I do like the potential of the younger guys, but they're not there yet.

  8. I like Bell's athleticism. I have seen him get beat to the outside. He is quick and agile enough to push out the pass rusher wide. What I noticed him having difficulties with is bull rushers and double moves back into the inside. Blocking to his left, he is excellent. Blocking to his right, he has difficulties with getting infront and staying infront of his man. I think that is from lack of experience and strength. Both could come as early as next year, with a off season to work that out.

    Yeah, but he needs to cut-down on those 25 penalties he has so far. :rolleyes:


    As I said in the other thread, Bell wasn't given reps with the starters at all this past off-season and missed 2 weeks of pre-season. Then he was suddenly thrust into the starting LT role. He needs work but he's far from a lost cause.


    I agree, our interior looks good. They remind me of the Jets when they had all those high draft rookies starting for them. It took them about 1/2 the season to get things straightened out. Then, they became good.

    The interior shows real promise. I think Wood moves to center next year and Hangman moves to RG.


    Right tackle. We are down to our 4th string on this position, so I just accept it. We have to wait till Jonathon Scott is healthy again. Next year, we'll have some depth at right tackle.

    Not so fast. Meredith may be a keeper. And Butler will be back.

  9. recently i have come out of denial and come to terms with who Ralph Wilson really is and what his intentions are and always have been. Gotta agree 100% with everything JohnC says.


    his goal isnt to do the right thing for the people of WNY... the people who gave him everything he demanded each time he held the community and tax payers for ransom. His intent is to max out the payout for his heirs. There is no backroom deals going on to ensure the franchise stays.

    Has Ralph ever demanded a new stadium be built? Has he asked for anything more than any other NFL owner has? No.


    One thing I've learned to criticize Ralph over is his choice of head coaches. I don't know why he'll spend gobs of money on players and signing bonuses, but go cheap with the coaches? But I doubt it's from a desire to screw WNY.

  10. Plausible yes and despicable if true. Worse for Dockery imo. Doc, my shirt was dirtier after watching a game last year than was Dockerys jersey. I key on these players as much as TV will allow, and I am stating point blank that he put forth little effort. Levitre is playing better as a rookie, normal growing pains notwithstanding.

    I can't help thinking that Peters would look good next to that interior 3, although I do know that we drafted Wood with the pick acquired for him. The bottom line is that we totally need Ots, DTs, and LBs. If we get them, we will be a good footnball team before long. If not we will continue to flounder.

    I like the future of the O-line. I think Bell bears closer watching. But the Bills need a good QB first and foremost.


    As for LB's, I think they should he starting Harris and Maybin (and getting Ellis activated). At DT, it's what you see is what you get. The only guy I could have seen them taking was Ron Brace over Byrd (as you mentioned). But Brace has been inactive for the Pats the past 3 games while Byrd has played well so I don't know. I think DT is high on the list next year and I pray they give Harris and Palmer plenty of playing time this year to see what they have in them.

  11. Now you're changing horses in mid-stream. You said "of the salary cap." Now you're saying "money spent." Which is it?


    And you say that "The Bills' actual money spent ("cash to cap") this year is around $100M." Rather than accepting your figure of $100 million, I did some research, and it turns out you're wrong.


    "The Bills have about $11 million in space under the cap after their recent roster cutdown, according to News figures.


    "That may sound like a lot, but it isn't. The Bills probably will wind up spending close to the cap limit, as they usually do. That $11 million gives the Bills enough room to sign a player or maybe two to a contract extension, if they choose to do so."




    The Bills don't routinely underspend the cap by $25 million. That's an urban Bills fan myth. They cut a bit off of that by cutting Walker, but not that much.


    Anyway, you specifically said ".. without tying-up 10% of their salary cap." Very dramatic. Not true.

    I get my numbers from a guy named "Clumping Platelets," who is an amateur capologist on another website. According to him, the Bills have spent a shade under $102M this year. But looking at the numbers again, yes you're right that it's not 10%. It's 9.8%. My bad.


    And I'm sorry if by "the Bills' salary cap" I didn't make it clear that I meant the money they actually spent. Because they've been doing "cash to cap" for years, and will be for the foreseeable future.

  12. I'm sure there were a few loons. There always are. But the huge majority of Eagles nation simply didn't have a problem with it. In fact, they thought it showed commitment that in spite of an injury he was willing to play if he had to.


    Where is the massive outcry? There simply is none, except among the haters here in Buffalo.

    The part you quoted was actually in reference to his PC after being traded to the Eagles. As for the lack of outcry after the Raiders game, maybe they realized that whether Peters was in there or not made no difference?

  13. Doc,


    Glad you like it! But......


    There is no stadium in LA.


    The Jags owner has repeatedly said he's not moving.


    The League will never grant a wish for Davis to move his awful team into a shaky NFL market (come on!).


    The Vikes are bluffing. So are the local officials. They will get a stadium.


    The only serious contenders for any future LA site are the Chargers and the Rams. My guess is it will be the Chargers. They are SoCals team and hardly anyone in the country would notice if they moved.

    So we're in agreement that the Bills probably won't move. Fine.


    Whether a stadium gets built is another matter, but steps are being taken to get it going. It's actually gotten farther than I ever thought it would. And if it gets built, you're fooling yourself if you think that Weaver's words mean anything, or that the NFL has any power to stop Davis from moving back to LA (a less shaky market than Oakland? Come on!). The question there is who makes a deal with Roski first: Weaver or Davis?

  14. That press conference was embarrassing in the minds of about 20 people who hate Peters, and nobody else.

    You should have read what some Eagles fans thought of it.


    The Bills won games early because they played horrible team. They lost games later when Peters was playing badly because they were playing good teams. Putting the blame entirely on Peters is ridiculous. And it is equally ridiculous to say that because we can't win with a guy that he's no use to us. You could put Peyton Manning on this team and we wouldn't make the playoffs, not with our horribly injured defense and our pathetic OL, especially at LT. So by your logic, that means we don't have to bother to improve at QB.


    Bottom line, when you have a good player, if you also have a bunch of below-standard players, you're still not going to win. But when you upgrade enough other positions that you don't have glaring weaknesses, suddenly your terrific players are in position to make a big difference, and especially players at key positions like LT.

    I'm not putting blame on Peters so much as I'm saying that his presence made little difference to the team's fortunes last year. There's a big difference there. And I guess you haven't read my posts, but I've been wanting the Bills to improve at QB for awhile now.

    10%? You'll have to tell me how $10.1 mill/ year for Peters is 10% of the salary cap of about $127 million. I'll be waiting to see that math. It's slightly below 8 percent where I come from. And how many teams around this league DON'T pay 8% of their salary cap to their best player? Relatively few. The top 25 salaries in the league this year are all $12 mill or above.


    Peters is having a sensational year, and earning that salary. That is the bottom line.

    The Bills' actual money spent ("cash to cap") this year is around $100M. Let's see, 10 divided by 100 is...yep, 10%! Tying up 1/10th of the money spent on 1 player, especially a player who will put forth a weak effort when he feels he's not getting paid enough, is foolish.


    And the season isn't even a third over for the Eagles, and they've lost 2 games, one which they should have won and probably could have if Peters stayed healthy and/or gutted-it-out. The NFC East looks tight this year and every lost game is a missed opportunity. Moreover, what makes you think he would have stayed completely healthy in Buffalo, when he hasn't the past 2 years?

    Yeah, 'cause our OL has been so terrific since we got rid of Jennings. Right.


    Jennings was unlucky enough to have been injured, but if that had not happened (and if he had stayed with Rusty Jones, it might not have, though all bets were off once Rusty was out the door), the Jennings move would indeed be looked back on as horrific.

    Ah, a "what if" scenario. Yes Thurman, IF Jennings hadn't gotten injured, it would have been a bad move. Guess what ended-up happening? How would the Bills' O-line have looked if they paid Jennings all that money?


    I guess the best we can say to each other is "we'll see how this plays out eventually." But Peters living up to that $10M/year deal is going to be awfully tough for him, given his past history.

  15. Why do you seem so amazed about this? What I care about is what is good for the Bills.


    It is my belief that in ten years people will look back at that trade and say it was one of the worst personnel moves in Bills history. I don't have to like a guy to want the Bills to be successful. I want to hold the Bills feet to the fire for this (not to imply that they care what I think) and keep doing it.


    And if I'm wrong (and if we get a top 10 LT this year or next, without having to spend an extremely high draft pick, I will consider this trade in a MUCH more positive light), I will admit it. But it sure doesn't look that way. So far, things are shaking out as I predicted, with us unable to field an NFL-level LT and with Peters absolutely kicking butt down in Philly.

    Have you been "holding the Bills feet to the fire" for getting rid of Pat Williams? At least Williams has proven to be a big mistake on the Bills' part. Peters so far hasn't.

  16. Excuse me, but how do you know it didn't? Without him, conditions would have been much worse for our QBs, especially the year before when he was ABSOLUTELY playing at a Pro Bowl level.


    The Bills QB situation sucks. Therefore we shouldn't bother to try to ever improve the QB or his protection - is that seriously your argument?

    The Bills tried to improve the protection by jettisoning Dockery and Fowler/Preston and getting better players (Wood and Hangartner) in their positions, and by drafting the top-rated OG (Levitre). Also, Butler was playing well at RT before getting injured. They also added a top WR threat in TO to help Trent out. Paying Peters $10M/year after what he pulled last year, only to see him sit-out a good portion of the game like he did against Oakland wouldn't have helped anyone. And again his absence hasn't changed the team's W-L record.

    Last year Trent didn't have happy feet. This year he does. His completion rate has fallen considerably since last year. 10 INTs all year last year, 6 already this year. His yards per game are down. He has already been sacked 19 times this year, but was only sacked 23 times ALL of last year, average yards per attempt down quite a bit, QB rating way down. With another year of experience, another year of training camp, the addition of T.O. and Nelson and he has gotten worse.


    I'm sure that none of that has anything to do with the huge downgrade in performance at the OL position most responsible for guarding not just the QB's body but his peace of mind ... oh, wait, the drugs are wearing off ... that is a huge factor most likely. Nothing shakes a QB up like blindside hits.

    LOL! Trent had happy feet and was playing like crap after that 5-1 start last year, again when Peters allegedly was rounding-into Pro Bowl form.

  17. All the guys you listed, except for Orakpo, are 3-4 guys - with Jackson being the only end. Maybin is a 3-4 LBers, so I think the comparison is unfair. But considering Orakpo is a much better pass rusher, and has proven to be a good LBer too, really makes you wonder who the Bills employ as scouts.... as if we didnt have enough evidence of their ineptness already.

    True, the Broncos and Chargers are 3-4 teams, but the Redskins, for whom Orakpo plays, are not.

  18. This my friend could be a bit of a reach. One extra first fown on the ground could have changed things at NE.

    If McKelvin hadn't fumbled against the Patriots, the Bills went 3-and-out, and the Patriots still proceeded to score the go-ahead TD, I would agree with you that one more first down could have sealed the game. And realistically, there are a lot of things that could be blamed for why they lost. As it stood, the Bills had a great chance to close-out the game had McKelvin not fumbled.

    Nobody wants the following to be wrong more than I, but imo, Perers on the worst day of his life is better than Bell on the best day of his life. I view Bell as an all or nothing player. He is very agile but inexperienced, reportedly weak (9 reps at the combines), prone to penalties, and already injured.

    Will he be able to rectify all of the above? I hope so but odds tell us no.

    To be fair, Peters didn't start at OT until the 6th game of his 2nd season, and played at RT for the next 16 games until being moved to LT. Bell was also thrust-into the starting role unexpectedly and on the eve of the season, after missing 2 valuable weeks of pre-season. As I said, he hasn't been good, but he wasn't exactly put in a position to succeed. Nevermind the OC switch, which may or may not have been a mistake.

    I don't like what happened with Peters last season. He was out of shape, and playing next to a useless, unmotivated Dockery. Your analogy that he might take the money and run like Jennings is sound. I am merely stating that by any stretch of the imagination, Peters is 10x better than anything we have, and fwiw I already prefer Levitre to Dockery.

    Peters missing all that time and his attitude didn't help matters any, regardless of what went on with Dockery. Speaking of which, Dockery was the only player with whom Peters kept in-touch while he was holding-out. Perhaps both decided to mail-in the season in an attempt to get out of Buffalo? Seems plausible, although I don't know how Dockery is looking in Washington.

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