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Everything posted by Doc

  1. White people have been cowed into accepting reverse racism. I'm sure upon hearing stuff like this, they shrug their shoulders, put up their arms and say "what can I/we do about it?" Hopefully they get their own white holiday party...
  2. Back-to-back games on the road doesn't help.
  3. No, I'm not OK with it. I just don't care if other teams get hosed as well.
  4. When the Bills don't get hosed by bad calls, I'll start feeling bad for other teams.
  5. Why is anyone upset at the Broncos getting hosed?
  6. You mean the FBI who just made it a point to officially change from "LGBT+" to "LGBTQIA+"? Yeah, no...
  7. It was obvious something was fishy when her scumbag lawyer filed civil charges before criminal charges were announced, and only after Araiza had made the team.
  8. Nothing has been debunked. It's still being investigated. And according to polls, it's working.
  9. Go for it. Do the same thing, but with a larger person behind Mullens.
  10. Another stupid pass that turns into a touchdown.
  11. Why isn’t that also grounding?
  12. It's not just Chicago. The Dems are trying to lower standards everywhere.
  13. Of course they're dying, again, mostly for the reasons I mentioned. But I'd trust Hamas' numbers as far as I could throw them.
  14. What is "Things we knew from the beginning" Mayim Ken...
  15. I'd say put the ball at the spot it was fumbled. I'd also change the rule and say that if the offensive team recovers a fumble downfield (i.e. past the LOS), the ball goes back to where it was fumbled. If they recover it behind the LOS or the defense recovers it, it's where the ball is when recovered.
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