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Posts posted by Doc

  1. So that Browns loss was all Edwards fault? Was that him that muffed a punt that he never should have been near that gave the Browns instant field goal territory? Edwards didn't play that great at all, neither did anyone else on the team, especially the Special Teams. Please get a clue.

    See below:


    What was at fault was 3 points from the offense. I agree that muffed punt "helped" Cleveland win but does anyone really think we were magically going to put more points on the board? Best case scenario was game ended in a tie in all likelihood.


    It was pretty much edwards. You can always say that the bills had a chance to win the game, but the bills would have gone 3 and out and given the browns great field position even if roscoe didn't muff that punt.


    You can tell that the coaching staff is done with Edwards which is very evident since Jauron already has named fitz the starter for next week and sidestepped questions about edwards losing his job when he is "healthy"

    Three points by the offense is pathetic. Especially against a defense as bad as the Browns' is.

  2. Whitner looked a lot better to me in the first few (healthy) games this year than he has in other years. He's the starting SS and Byrd is the starting FS. Scott is the 3rd guy and Wilson is the backup. The question is, when do Whitner and Scott return?

  3. At least two, Giambi and Clemens, the last time they went, with a strong possibility that they weren't alone...


    Just Clemens the last time they won it...


    But I do have to concede that it was last century and 'roids weren't illegal yet.


    All though it is interesting to note that the Yankees haven't won a world series since 'roids became illegal...

    The Yanks' last WS win was in 2000. Radomski said he was sending Clemens (and probably Pettite) HGH in 2002. The Sox OTOH were definitely aided by Manny and Papi's juicing.

  4. It's a nice problem to have possibly 4 starting-caliber safeties. The concern is keeping them all healthy.


    Byrd has been amazing. In his 7 games, he has 5 INT's and 7 passes defensed (although I'm not sure if an INT counts as a PD, like it counts as an incompletion for a QB). That's impressive for anyone, much less a rookie who missed most of the off-season and training camp, including the first week of pre-season.

  5. Fitz has been terrible early. But he gets less bad as the game goes on. Once the o-line gave him and extra second or two he started making plays. He isn't great but he's been more effective than Edwards. At least Fitz is not afraid to go down field. It does pay off sometimes.


    That said, keep in mind we've played two very bad teams.

    "We" played a horrible team 3 weekends ago...and lost.

  6. Fitz, I just don't know what to say about it...the man made some really nice throws to Evans, but then had 6 or 7 throws at least that made you say "Where the heck was that ball going?" Anyone else saying the same thing?

    Lack of playing time/chemistry with the receivers? He did end-up 11 for 22, despite a couple drops. And 2 more completions puts him at 59% passing for a TD and no turnovers.

  7. I'm going to get crucified for saying this but I think Jauron deserves to coach out the season. Sure he's completely devoid of emotion but this team will not quit. They unanimously support this guy and a bunch of nobody's are playing their asses off.


    He is not without his faults as a coach but if you look at the players currently on this roster it's a massive achievement to stay competitive. I have no problem with ousting Mondrak, Guy and moving Brandon back to marketing but Jauron is winning me over.

    Jauron will finish out the season. Just like Fisher will in Tennessee, Zorn will in Washington, etc.

  8. Really??


    When did you have this epiphany?


    Man, you have no shame.


    And what JohnC said about the stadium. Why would he need a new one?

    Gee, I don't know. Why does any owner "need" a new stadium?


    Talk about having no shame, you've been saying for years how Ralph should pony-up the money (nevermind Ralph demanding that the taxpayers foot half the bill) for a new stadium, so that the richies can finally come out and watch football there. When did you have this epiphany that that's no longer the case?


    And WRT hiring name head coaches, it could very well be that they simply don't want to coach in small market like Buffalo. As we know, Buffalo isn't a top destination for players unless they're getting significantly more money there than anywhere else. Why should coaches be any different? They've got wives/families, and their own egos. I remember Marvin Lewis turning down the job because his wife didn't like the area.


    And if you recall, Ralph (and you) wanted Mike Sherman, but Marv preferred Jauron. I guess we'll see this off-season, given the plethora of "name" coaches out there.

  9. Doc, Ralph Wilson doesn't want a new stadium. He is 91 yrs old and has a sweetheart lease deal on the antiquated stadium his team presently plays in. Is Ralph Wilson going to make even a small contribution to help build a new stadium? Of course not. Let's remain sober here. Why would he want a new stadium when it would take a number of years to get completed and he is presently at the ripe age he is at with no intention of passing the franchise on to his heirs? Is Ralph Wilson going to sign a long term lease which will inhibit him from selling to an outside bidder? Of course not. The present situation suits him just fine. He is making plenty of money under the current circumstances.


    You may think that Ralph Wilson is a terrific benefactor toward the region which has enriched him beyond even his own imagination. That is your prerogative. I don't. I have a very different view on this man. You are correct that he is not out to screw WNY. He merely doesn't care about WNY. His view is if it happens it is not his problem. :rolleyes:

    My post was asking whether Ralph has demanded anything more than any other owner has from his/her county. The answer is "no." And he's had chances to move the team, but hasn't. And without the Bills, Buffalo is little more than a rest stop on the way to Niagara Falls/Toronto. The Bills are the only thing keeping Buffalo revelant, sorry to say.

  10. I really hope not. Wood looks to me as if he can be a dominant, elite RG. He is a pure bruiser, which is what the position calls for. Levitre continues to remind me of Steinbach, and if I am correct this would give us a pair of extremely solid guards.

    I also respectfully remind you wrt Hangartner that as much as I like our guards, they are rookies, and he is holding his own quite well despite some rookie errors. He is much better at OC than anything we have had there in some time.

    If the team smartens up and drafts Tackles in lieu of defensive backs, they will be fine up front.

    I'd be fine with Wood, Levitre, and Hangman staying where they are. I just thought the ultimate plan was having Wood move to center.


    As for tackles, I'd still like to see how Bell (who despite being inexperienced himself, was put in a tough position to begin with and is also starting next to a rookie) and Meredith fare over the course of the season, as well as how Butler looks coming back. I think that they'll at least have a decent starting RT, but I'm leery of spending a high pick on a LT.

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