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Posts posted by Doc

  1. Ah, yeah---except for this........


    according to Michael Wright of the FLORIDA TIMES-UNION. Weaver: "I'm not selling the Jaguars. The team is not moving to L.A. I don't know how I can say it any more clearly than that. At some point, maybe I will sell the team. But not now."

    ...and this:


    "In the past, we have reached out to try and cultivate that market and haven't had as much success as we would have liked. We probably need to do a better job. That's a given. We are looking at a long-term strategy and thinking out of the box on how we can build a fan base in Orlando."



    Other than that, your contention that Weaver will is the most likely to move to LA because there is no potential market to tap is "spot on" as usual.

    Bahahahahaha! Yeah, building a fan base in Orlando, which is 140 miles/2 hours away, and whose fan base is comprised mostly of Dolphins, and then Bucs (who are only an hour away) fans, is REAL great strategery. I don't know which is more silly; Weaver's belief that after 15 years he now has to come up with a way to woo Orlando fans (because obviously, wooing Jacksonville fans has been an abject failure), or you believing him and/or thinking it makes sense. Spot on, doc. Spot on.


    Oh and notice the "At some point, maybe I will sell the team" part. Yeah, that really sounds like he's committed to the area forever.

  2. After many months of whining about wanting an iPhone, I finally got one (16 GB 3Gs) for my wife. It's actually pretty cool and it looks like she'll put it to good use. It sucks that they (all carriers) force you to pay $30/month extra for the data plan, when getting stuff via wi-fi usually suffices.


    As for ringtones, IIRC, you can download them from iTunes.


    BTW, how long is your battery life?

  3. The "salary max"? Could be $200M? No wonder you won't belabor this point any further. You didn't say anything about a "salary max." You said the Bills saved 10% on the salary CAP. Which is $138 million, not $200 million or $100 million.


    I wouldn't belabor it any further either if I were you.

    Stop perseverating on minutia, or being disingenuous with your arguments,Thurman. It will help your debating skills.

  4. It seems more apparent then ever before to me that the Jacksonville Jaguars will move..Everday I see billboards that are pratically begging people to buy tickets. But people arent doing anything. The first home game I went to this year was against Arizona, There were literally 40,000 people there. Now then ever before ,I am starting to hear all the time on the news, T.V, or radio that people need to step up and " Save the Jaguars". There is only on hope though and both have to do with Tim Tebow leaving college.


    1. That Tebow goes to the Jaguars and the fan base is suddenly sparked to buy tickets.


    2. Or Tebow leaves to another NFL team causing the fanbase to let go of the gators a little bit.


    Even though these could be options, I still see them struggling. What if Tebow does bad on the Jaguars. Then people will not want to buy tickets or support the team. " The Jaguars are in serious Danger of moving" and I think they will.



    Now to maybe gain a little more respect around here, people don't seem to understand my Toronto theory.I would be the first one to say, " I don't know how I could ever like sports if the Bills moved" The thing is I like the bills in Toronto for one game a year, and one game only. " I think it gives our franchise something special that other teams don't have". I think it would be fun for a Bills fan to travel once a year to Toronto to support the Bills. Don't get me wrong it is fun as hell to drink and tailgate at bills football games. But I think it would be cool to also see once a year how a big market, Jerry Jones type of wine and dine type of atmosphere would be like. Just as long as the Bills dont move I am fine.

    WRT the Jags, the writing was on the wall awhile ago. They'd been a good team for awhile and made the playoffs several years in a row, but still failed to sell-out games. I don't know if they got spoiled by starting-off well and staying good, but never taking that next step? But Weaver is the most likely owner to pull-up stakes and move to LA because unlike the Bills and Toronto, there is no potential market to tap. And Tebow's numbers this year are poor. He's not the answer...for any team.


    As for the Bills and Toronto, if moving more games there is what it takes to keep the Bills in Buffalo, so be it. The alternative is far worse.

  5. Cleveland has only thrown for over 100 yards once since his departure. That game they threw for 106.


    Maybe the Jets don't get the stimulated offensive attack they had wish, but the Browns are definitely losers in this trade.





    Quick math tells me that they went from 173yds/game to 69 yrds/game in the air. In other-words, Edwards' presence alone contributed in more than doubling their offensive production.

    And yet they still beat the Bills. :unsure:B-):lol:

  6. Even though this post is short, it's a good analysis. Remember he made that HUGE leaping catch yesterday? He does still have it.

    Actually, had TO put out full effort, he might have been able to do a twisting backflip, allowing him to land facing other way, so that he could race for a TD. Damn that TO. Damn him!


    Looks like the haters haven't changed, except for getting more desperate. First it was "he'll destroy the team." Then it was "he's dropping passes," as if that never happened before. Now it's "he's not putting out full effort because he didn't come back for an underthrown ball that even the DB couldn't catch." :thumbsup:


    BTW, TO tweeted that he tweaked his knee during the game. But carry on.

  7. I'm thinking of getting one and putting it in my mom's house in Rochester. Is is worth it? Is there a certain model I need? I did a search but couldn't find anything from within the past year. Thanks.

  8. We all know our QBs stink. The poor pass is a red herring, though. It has nothing to do with TO's effort. And his effort on that play was pathetic. If he was in high school he'd be doing laps today for that. If he goes back for that ball, there is no way the the DB out jumps him for it.


    I just don't see the logic in receivers only having to try and catch well thrown balls.

    The play was remisicent of a deep pass to Lee last year or the year before, where Trent underthrew him and Evans didn't/couldn't fight for the ball. It was taken as a poor effort by Lee. The truth is, when you're running full bore downfield, it's not easy to come back for the ball. The ball actually was perfectly thrown...to the DB, who had an easy play on the ball.

  9. Watch Georgia Rule. I used to think she was a no-talent hack until I saw that; her performance in that movie was very, very good.

    Sometimes actors get that one role that they were born to play. Hell, look at Mira Sorvino in "Mighty Aphrodite." And then everything else.

  10. And I think the point of his post is that that perception of how fall she's fallen is much great than the reality.


    If they really wanted to, they could probably make her look pretty close to the 2004 version with the right clothes, make-up, hair and lighting.

    Search for some recent pictures of her on the red carpet and you'll see that she's truly done a number on herself that not even all of the above can hide.

  11. I don't think that word means what you think it means.

    He's the scapegoat for Fitz' poor deep pass and an end-around that had no chance because the Panthers sniffed-it-out immediately, with not one but TWO players there to greet him about 3 yards short of the line of gain. And I don't know, you'd think that you'd want your speediest WR's handling the end-arounds, no?


    TO is far from done. He was getting open a ton. Sure he dropped a pass, which is typical of him now. But he won't drop them all, or even a majority of them. Bottom line is the Bills need a decent QB.

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