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Posts posted by Doc

  1. Ya see, now I'm pi$ed off again, guys!


    Marshawn can laugh and goof around all he wants on the sideline of a losing effort, but having other teams disrespect you like that is just unacceptable.


    Why do I get angered over this?


    Shouldn't it be Jauron that changes his ideology?

    No. Jauron should be gone.


    And Ryans shouldn't be laughing so hard. Kubiak is a schlub. But a decent season for the Texans means he returns, and they miss-out on one of the plethora of good coaches out there. Today was a lose-win for me.

  2. I don't understand this about Bills fans (I have been a Bills fan all my life, but outside WNY) We have garbage players, and garbage backing them up and often we are calling for the garbage backing them up to get a shot, instead of just getting rid of all the garbage.


    Nic Harris, is too small to be a LB and too slow to be a DB. He should not have been drafted in the first place. Buffalo drafts three guys every year with "high upsides" who come cheap and can't do anything except offer high energy on special teams. We need to cut all these guys bring in some talent...Every where. Then move they guys like Ellison to back up roles. we will never be competitive until this happens.

    Yes, the simple solution is to "bring in some talent...Every where." ;)

  3. It's just too bad that the Yanks didn't have enough clout to get someone other than Senator George Mitchell, who served as a director in the Red Sox front office to lead the investigation. Seeing that Manny was + and how terribly bad that Big Papi is now, it makes one wonder how the Red Sox are excused.

    Yep. No conflict of interest there. ;)


    And with the Bills' season coming to a crashing halt today, Go Yanks and Go Sabres!

  4. Well, let's see Mike Shanahan doesn't have a job in the NFL. Maybe he sucks and can't coach. :worthy:

    Magox deftly answered this part.


    Runyan was injured, may not be as healthy as he claims, and may not be willing to come back for what teams may be willing to offer. Derrick Brooks is unemployed. Marvin Harrison is unemployed. Over 100 guys in the NFL last year are out of the NFL this year. Who !@#$ing knows what 32 different front offices are thinking?

    Seems like they're thinking he sucks now and isn't worth signing. So what's your beef with the Bills not signing him?

  5. This is relevent, how? Or is your argument that one set of juicers were bad because they won the WS (Red Sox) but the other set was okay because they lost it (Yanks)??


    (Do you honestly believe that the Yanks get to the WS in 2003 without the juiced contributions of Clemens and Petitte?)

    I never said it was "okay" for the Yanks. Just that cheating didn't get the Yanks a championship.

  6. It's great if you travel or use your laptop outside. I've had one for about 4 years and love it. I have the original basic model so I can't compare to newer models.

    Besides the Slingbox, is there any other equipment you need to buy? And do you have to have cable modem, or will DSL work? Will it work on an internet-enabled phone? Thanks.

  7. After this team lost to Cleveland, anyone should realize this team can lose to anyone at anytime. Houston's been an up and coming team for it seems like forever, but in a battle of talent and coaching, they have the advantage. That's not to say Gary Kubiak is a great coach, but he's a heckuva lot better than DJ. And when you compare QB's it's pretty obvious: Schaub is an injury-prone talented guy with good weapons. Fitzpatrick is a weak-armed inconsistent and more daring than than man he replaced.


    Anything can happen, but Houston should take this one.

    The Texans aren't a great running team, but are a great passing team. That's a good matchup for the Bills' defense, especially at home.


    On defense, the Texans' pass rush is weak (9 sacks in 7 games, with Mario Williams leading all sackers with 3), which will help the Bills' inexperienced O-line. And Fitz has more arm strength than Trent, the QB of record when the Bills lost to the Browns, and his "daring" is what actually gives the Bills a chance.


    As for coaching, Kubiak is 26-29 since taking over in 2006, while Jauron is 24-31. Not a huge coaching difference.

  8. I was referring to his obvious lack of effort on plays not designed to go his way (ie run plays) and his body language on the bench (when you see him sitting by himself just staring at the ground or into space). Singletary wouldnt accept that.

    When did Singletary become a great coach? The 49'ers are on their way to a 3-4 record.

  9. This supports your argument GG, which is also mentioned in that WellPoint Study.






    CBO: Public option premiums higher than private plans


    The public insurance option would typically charge higher premiums than private plans available in the exchange, according to the Congressional Budget Office analysis of the House bill.


    That surprising conclusion raises doubts about Democratic promises that a government-run insurance plan would provide a lower-cost alternative to consumers. At the same time, it calls into question Republican charges that the plan amounts to government takeover of health insurance -- because only 6 million people would enroll in the plan, according to the CBO.


    Here's the key passage from page 6:


    Roughly one-fifth of the people purchasing coverage through the exchanges would enroll in the public plan, meaning that total enrollment in that plan would be about 6 million.


    That estimate of enrollment reflects CBO's assessment that a public plan paying negotiated rates would attract a broad network of providers but would typically have premiums that are somewhat higher than the average premiums for the private plans in the exchanges. The rates the public plan pays to providers would, on average, probably be comparable to the rates paid by private insurers participating in the exchanges. The public plan would have lower administrative costs than those private plans but would probably engage in less management of utilization by its enrollees and attract a less healthy pool of enrollees. (The effects of that "adverse selection" on the public plan's premiums would be only partially offset by the "risk adjustment" procedures that would apply to all plans operating in the exchanges.)


    Read it Boatdrinks

    How does the CBO figure that the premiums for the public plan will be higher? They're going to be subsidized by the government, meaning the taxpayers, meaning the middle class, and premiums will be low. I mean, where is all of that (fancifully underestimated) $1T going to go?


    Another problem with their fantasy is that the fines for not having coverage are so ridiculously low that it would still make financial sense for businesses to not offer it to their employees, and for people who didn't already have coverage to continue to not buy it. And the dirty little secret is that with no pre-existing condition exclusion, one could literally buy a public plan when sick and drop it when healthy, like they do in Massachusetts.


    Also, the Dems want to limit high-deductible plans and HSA's, which are the best way for people to self-ration their health care. And no tort reform which DOES drain health care dollars.


    Ask yourself, does that sound like it's going to save the country money, or even break-even? Unless there are provisions for the above in those 1990 pages of legislation, if this passes, we're all screwed.

  10. according to the logic in your first paragraph Nate Clements, nickel corner, is the best of the best since he's the highest paid. In fact, at one point he was the greatest defensive player in the league since he was the highest paid. Cornerbacks are a dime a dozen. Just imagine what these current guys would be doing if the Bills had a pass rush.

    I was going to post what you said. The size of the contract proves nothing.


    As for keeping Greer, he'd done nothing to warrant giving him an extension prior to the 2008 season. The Bills, with both him and Clements, ranked 4th last in 2007.


    And pass defense hasn't been the problem with the Bills. They actually rank higher than the Saints.

  11. The one player the Bills let walk - and I was ok wiht - was Clements. As far as Fletcher, P.Wlliams, S. Adams, Winfield, Greer, and J.Leonard go, not so much.

    The only one out of that list that I couldn't argue with is Pat Williams. Leonhard is average at best, Adams was finished (maybe you meant Ted Washington?), and Florence in place of Greer is a trade-off I'll take anyday. Winfield and Fletcher were good players but you'd want a little more bang for your buck, not that the Bills haven't wasted money on other players.

  12. Get your facts right before you make statements. It will help your debating skills.


    If you had not made the incorrect statement, or if you'd just said "Yeah, OK, I was wrong there, but ..." there would have been nothing for me to comment about.

    Yeah, OK, I was wrong...for not making things as simple as possible for you, Thurman. Although I suspect you know EXACTLY what I'm saying, and are merely trying to obfuscate things by going off on pointless tangents in a vain attempt to support your theory that the Bills should have paid Peters $10M/year and see him fail to live up to his contract, while his salary/cap hit prevents the Bills from shoring-up other areas.

  13. That's assuming of course everybody in Ct. works for Big Insurance.


    Somehow I hardly doubt they do.

    No, not everyone here in CT works for BI. But a lot of people do. Putting them out of work would be devastating for the State.


    And if this thing gets passed (which I doubt), there will be an opt-out, and CT will certainly do this. Joe is thinking much bigger picture.

  14. just make your own ringtones for free, silly.




    audiko lets you upload any mp3, choose the 5-30 seconds you want, and converts it to an iPhone ringtone file.


    ive made probably 20 or so already.

    Thanks for that link. :unsure:


    And where you live/work makes a difference. No problems with ATT for me, and I've tried them all (except Sprint/Nextel, which sucks).

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