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Posts posted by Doc

  1. The claim that Felser, logic or whomever makes that the team will simply go to the highest bidder is almost certainly simply wrong.

    I agree and I said that before. Felser doesn't know what's in Ralph's will and making people believe he does is disingenuous at best, and lying at worst. Since Ralph's wife and daughter DON'T want the team, it will be sold to the group with the best creds, regardless of price. The same would apply if Ralph were to sell to a minority owner while he's still alive.

    "The fantasy of the Bills' fans is to see Jauron replaced by someone like Mike Shanahan, Bill Cowher, Mike Holmgren or Jon Gruden. The fans should remember that coaches at rest watch football on TV, too. They know this team is toxic waste. Can you imagine any big-time NFL coach saying to himself, "Boy, I can hardly wait to coach this collection of bozos, work with this GM/marketer and rely on a scouting staff that comes up with an impact player once every 10 years."

    Again, no wonder Felser is retired (although not retired enough). For starters, there are a half-dozen (Holmgren, Shanahan, Billick, Gruden, Dungy, Cowher) out-of-work coaches who have SB rings, who have been out of the NFL for at least a year, and who are itching to get back in. There is also Schottenheimer. There are 5 teams, maybe 7, that will be looking for a new HC. They are the: Bills, Redskins, Panthers, Jags, and Raiders, and maybe the Titans and Browns. The Panthers will target, and sign, Cowher, leaving 4/6 teams. Out of the rest, the Redskins, Jags, Raiders, and Browns are no better, if not worse, situations than the Bills given their ownership/fanbase/talent. So it'sa buyer's market for the Bills for the first time that I can recall, and it's not like those coaches can sit-out indefinitely, waiting for the perfect opportunity. Hopefully what Carucci said is true and that he's got some inside info.

  2. I was listening to a local radio sports guy (Jason Page) who has a show on ESPN radio. He had Michael Huyghue (pronounced "Hyoog"), who is the Commish of the UFL, and who was previously with the Lions, Jags, NFLPA, and worked as an agent. He said that the league was put together hurriedly for a fall exhibition, but will be having a full season come Spring. They don't want to compete head-to-head with the NFL, and the Thursday night game was a prime example, since SF and Chicago were playing at the same time and taking attendees away. The league is looking-into putting a team in Hartford (I live in Hartford County) and I hope that the attendance doesn't deter them from doing so as I'd probably buy seasons.

  3. Really,...really...did you just compare Bruce Smith, who had an awesome college carrear to Maybin, who started a whopping total of 10 games and had an outstanding cast with him at PSU. REALLY?!?!?!!? Yes you did. Wow.

    "Outstanding cast with him at PSU?" REALLY?

  4. The people that are against it don't really know or are lying about it.

    The people that are for it don't really know or are lying about it.

    The people that are undecided don't really know either but admit they don't really know.


    Both bills do address skyrocketing premiums, they just don't address it nearly enough or get to the core problem. But you're lying when you say they arent addressed. They are addressed in a lot of ways.

    As has been mentioned, there is a difference between addressing something and addressing it correctly. This is like "addressing" a house fire by pouring gasoline on it +/- thinking you were pouring water on it.

    Taxes only on certain people or entities will go up. The vast, vast, vast majority of the population won't be affected by taxes. You're extrapolating and assuming things that aren't in the bills.

    I see. As long as someone ELSE is paying for it, why should you care? That's the attitude that's killing this country.

    Medicare monies and loopholes are being cut, most of which is abuse. There is no set drop in Medicare treatment. If you're on Medicare right now your coverage won't be affected hardly at all. No one knows what effect 10 years from now will be.

    Wrong! As it stands, 40% of doctors are refusing to see new Medicare patients. If the 21% cut goes into effect, it will jump to well over 50%. Which makes the AARP's backing of the Health Plan all the more curious (although it's probably just as simple an explanation as the leaders are taking their cut, which insulates them from their actions, while selling-out their constituents).

    A lot of the important provisions of the bills will be implemented sooner than the 3-4 years it will take to get a lot of it in place or to give people and employers time to transition. Much of the money collected you're complaining about will be used to give people health care now for people who can't get covered by private insurance because of pre-exisiting conditions. Certain elements will go into effect right away, or soon, and they need to be paid for.

    You're sure about this? Just like the "stimulus money" went directly to the people, right? And there will be no fraud and inefficiency, unlike every other government program in US history? That's incredibly naive, Kelly.

  5. From what I gather, it won't take a new president; it will take a 2/3 Republican/mixed majority in both houses to kill the Health Bill and override a(n expected) presidential veto. And if recent nationwide elections are any indication of how things might go in November of 2010, that 2/3 majority could very well happen.

  6. You make it sound like these people are all currently paying for private insurance, and now they're all going to just drop it to go to a public option. The reality is that if they have private healthcare, they're going to keep it. For those that don't have it, we're already subsidizing their care through the most expensive process of not receiving primary preventative care, and waiting for them to use the emergency rooms for all their care. We subsidize in either scenario, so why not do it in the least expensive way, by offering preventative care that reduces and/or eliminates their need to use emergency rooms, and treats them in the early stages of a medical condition before it escalates into more expensive procedures and medicines.

    Most of the people who use ER's as their primary care physician are eligible for Medicaid but choose not to enroll in it. And then when they have clinic appointments scheduled, most fail to show up. Or they're poorly compliant with their medications or health plans. That's the reality of the situation, and one I've dealt witih firsthand. It's not like now that they have "free" healthcare, they're suddenly going to start actually taking care of themselves.

  7. I just recently got my wife the iphone. I had to sign-up for 2 years. I've heard that there is a 30-day period during which I can return the phone. Does anyone know if this is true, and if so, will I also be let out-of my 2-year contract? Not saying I'm necessarily going to do it, just curious.

  8. do you really think we are going to land one of those good coaches?

    Yes. There are simply too many coaches who have sat out a year or more and who are itching to get back into coaching again. I can't ever recall a time when there were so many SB-winning coaches sitting out biding their time. Usually it's one good coach available who would prefer to be in a big market. And Ralph knows that he'll have to hire a good coach to get people to come to games.


    The Texans were actually one of the teams I thought had the best chance of landing one, should they falter and Kubiak get the boot. They have a lot of talent on both sides and would have been attractive to a guy like Shanahan.

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