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Posts posted by Doc

  1. then our season will be doomed.


    think of what your saying. LAST YEAR he was drafted in the second round and cut,didnt make the 53 man roster.


    31 teams passed on him and he went on their practice squad.


    now 6 months later he's had a prefound transformation and is going to be the bills starting QB,we are screwed if thats the case.


    the whole NFL cannot be freaking wrong and a guy cannot change in a half a year.

    I hope the above is sarcasm.

  2. Just being positive he said something good about us at the end of the article. What I liked more was the article about the 34 and how left tackles are overvalued in the NFL these days. Think about who the colts, saints, steelers had at LT. Not a 1st round pick...


    I cant agree more with Kyle Williams saying offensive that faced us knew what we were going to do. That was the most frustrating part about our defense last year. That and not stopping the run. Which forced us to be vanilla...

    So opposing defenses AND offenses knew what the Bills were going to do? :w00t:

  3. "It's going to be a great thing to see on paper, fantasy, live, in practice, in video games," Lynch said. "However you can see us get down to action and regardless of who the No. 1 is, even if I'm No. 5, it's going to be beautiful to watch us play."



    That is the last comment of Lynch's is the article; isn't this more telling than anything else in the article--the guy likes football, think that liking the Jets is going to make him play less hard against them??



    Those last 9 words are what you should be focused on.

    I thought the previous 5 words (okay, 4 words and a number), were more interesting.

  4. This has more or less been known. The fan support for the Jags has been atrocious, despite having made the playoffs a good portion of their existence.


    As for the future of the Bills, at least we know they won't be moving to LA. Now Toronto OTOH...Just kidding. I think they'll end up playing more games in Toronto, but still be based in Buffalo.

  5. Here's the problem I see with the optimistic posts on this upcoming season:

    1) All the optimists assume that Gailey & his coaching staff are head & shoulders better than Jauron & his staff AND can implement their completely new offensive, defensive & special teams systems in their 1st season. That is no slam dunk. While in the long run this may be true, putting in totally new systems take time. Even the great Joe Gibbs (1) went 0-5 when putting in a new system & he had a good enough team to win the Super Bowl a season later-in an era with no free agency to provide the quick fix. Remember, back in 2001 we were all saying the same thing in the switch from Wade Phillips to Gregg Williams and the team was 5 games worse from 2000 to 2001.

    If you think the coaching staff was so bad last year, then why did most of them land on their feet with other jobs in the NFL? Obviously the other NFL teams don't have as bad an opinion of the previous staff as members of this board have. A coaching staff is a lot more than just a head coach, and the other NFL teams by hiring these guys are saying you are underrating them.

    2)The O-line is not significantly better than the opening day o-line from last year. Green is not as good as Butler, he may be better than Butler's band of replacements but how much is questionable. Wood still has to return to 100% before we know if he will have to take 2 steps back before he takes a step forward. Hangartner is just a below average center, same as last year. Bell? who knows? last year he was nothing short of a disaster, no matter how rosy your glasses are. Are any of the other guys any better, once again, who knows? With a year under his belt, Levitre is assumed to be better.

    3) The QB situation may actually be worse than last year, when Fitzpatrick seized the opportunity & took the reigns. That's because Fitzpatrick's main competition is 2 guys who have already experienced confidence meltdowns. Edwards could recover, but you guys seem to think Chan Gailey is a magician who can sprinkle dust on Edwards or Brohm & turn them from chicken scratch to chicken salad (thank you Mr. Felser for the phrase that I can get past the sensors). There is no evidence that Gailey can turn any of these losers into winners. The optimists point to Tyler Thigpen as proof of Gailey's magic, but all that season did was produce 2 wins for the Chiefs, which got Herm Edwards fired, Gailey himself fired by Haley before the start of the following season & Thigpen jettisoned to Miami shortly thereafter.

    4) If you think the losses of Schobel on defense & Owens on offense are insignificant, you're in for a pretty good slap in the face when you see the 2010 Bills. Also, Josh Reed was a very underrated player, especially when the Bills needed a key block from the WR spot and John Wendling was one of, if not the best guy on special teams.

    5) This is a Nix/Gailey tear down, rebuild season. Tell me when have you seen a team play well in a tear down, rebuild season without a significant, stressing significant, upgrade at QB?


    I'm not one of these eternal pessimists like some people here, but I've seen enough teams in the same place the Bills are in & the most optimistic I can be is they can have a damn good team in 2-3 years, but year one of the latest new era is going to be like most 1st years of a rebuild-a real struggle. 5 of the 6 wins last year were the result of aberational bad play by the losing team (Carolina & Jets), playing two horrible teams, at least at the time we played them, both in that 1st year new coach transition year(Tampa Bay & Kansas City), and a team that pulled all the players needed to provide a real opposition after the 1st quarter (Indianapolis). Even if the Bills are improved, their win total with this year's schedule couldnosedive due to a tougher schedule. Realistically, Outside of 1 Miami game, Jacksonville, @ KC, Detroit, & Cleveland where are the wins coming from? That's 5 to start & KC, Detroit & Cleveland could be a lot better this year than last. I just can't find a lot of Ws this year. It's going to be a lot like 2001. The difference is, this staff is probably better than Gregg's & the future may end up very different, but unless you're totally blinded by your fandom, have your head burried in the sand, and are hoping for a miracle, the outlook for 2010 is pretty bleak.


    You can still be an optimist, like I am for the long term future of this team, yet admit that this year is going to be rough in the W-L column.

    1) I think it's safe to say that Gailey and co. will definitely be better than their predecessors. This will be evident the first time that Gailey doesn't punt from the opponent's 40-yard line on 4th and 2. Except for probably April. But Moorman will still be Moorman, Lindell will still be Lindell, and the Bills have some of the best returnmen in the game.

    2) You seriously think the O-line isn't improved over the line that started last year? Really? For starters, Wood and Levitre won't be rookies and Hangartner won't have to cover for their mistakes. Second of all, I highly doubt the LT will be a 2nd year guy who was a project, didn't get any reps with the starters, who missed 2 weeks of pre-season/games, and who only got elevated to LT because they cut the starter just days before the season starts. Third, Butler only played in 2 games last year, needing to be replaced by a rookie and what otherwise would have been training camp fodder. If Green can cut down on the penalties and can stay healthy, he'll be a vast improvement over last year.

    3) The QB situation won't be worse than last year. This isn't even debatable. In fact, it should be better since Gailey is an NFL caliber OC and won't be constrained by what Dick Jauron wants.

    4) WR is a concern, I'll grant you. As for defense and pass rush, that situation also bears watching, but the 3-4 is more unpredictable WRT where the pressure will come from. And Wendling is injured. If he gets healthy, the Bills can sign him again. Or they can find someone to replace him.

    5) The Bills have improved their record the first year in 3 of the past 4 coaching/regime changes. The only time they didn't was when they truly had wholesale changes, i.e. after the 2000 season when they needed to clear massive cap space.

  6. Was actually in a recreational, over 30 league, in which he signed up under a false name and after losing the first game pressured teammates to join.


    he then lied and said it was at his youth camp.



    big difference, big time jerk.

    That's what I heard. It's all fun and games until someone breaks an arm. At which point it becomes stupid. IIRC, the Panthers can place him on the reserve/non-football injury list and he won't get paid for the time he misses.

  7. There is only one way to "attack" a great secondary. Run the ball down their throats for big gains on first and second down, forcing them to play up on third down. The problem with that strategy, is you have to have an offensive line big and strong and talented enough to be able to do that. Chan is saying the same things Dick used to say, which were the same things Mike used to say, which were the same things Gregg used to say. We will be a run first offense. Now Chan is known for being a good offensive coach, who can mix up plays and find weaknesses in defenses. But what he has not done differently then the losers before him over the past 11 years now, is trade for or draft any proven talented offensive linemen yet. So regardless of whether Evans may or may not be worthless for both the Jets' games up against Revis, this offensive line I see starting in September doesn't seem to be good enough to knock the Jets' front 7 off the line either.


    And then Chan will end up doing the same thing the others were forced to do, tell his QB to take 7 step drops on 2nd and 3rd and long to have time to find someone open past the first down marker, and end up getting sacked all over the place.


    But that's just my humble opinion.

    The Bills drafted Wood and Levitre last year and signed Hangartner. The former 2 won't be rookies anymore and Hangartner won't be sandwiched between them having to compensate for their mistakes.

  8. The offence was bad


    That explains why both players stats were bad, but TO also had plenty more opportunity to make himself look better, but instead he didn't fight for balls, gave up on routes, and didn't try to break up interceptions. this was clear as day if you actually watched the games this year, and was even clearer if you saw him in person. It wasn't just this year, TO has done this for years. A friend of mine during the NO game we went to (he's a Cowgirls fan) and he said to watch, you can read TO to see if the play calls for him to get the ball cause he gives little effort if its not.

    I'm not disputing TO did that stuff at times last year. I said that I saw Evans give some half-hearted performances last year. And he was the #1 WR. John Reed, who had been a dependable #3, fell off the face of the earth. Still, I'd rather have TO (and Evans) on the team in a real offense, than not, until I see the younger guys prove themselves.

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