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Posts posted by Doc

  1. From what I've seen around here, people are giving Gailey too much credit & think he'll be a miracle worker with at least one of our QBs. I don't see any Gailey is worse than Jauron posts, at least not yet. I'm sure at some point we will, especially when the poster's guy is not picked as the starting QB & the guy he hates the most is.

    As Felser says (even though he's totally off-base on the fans wanting Parcells), we should wait until the team plays games before making a determination. But I can't see anyone in their right mind claiming that Gailey is worse than Jauron, even if his/her QB isn't picked to start.

  2. Doc, maybe to need to reread what they wrote. It is "crystal clear" to me.

    I read what they wrote. It's still an opinion on their (and your) parts until proven otherwise. At the end of the season, we can see who was "a realist" or not.

  3. Whether Levy knew of or met DJ before he hired him is not important. The substance of the matter is that Levy hired him. To be very and kind and gentle DJ was not successful.

    We know Levy hired Jauron. The actual substance of the matter is he had never coached with him, unlike Cowher and Gailey.

    You are correct that after the Donahoe debacle the goofy owner lost trust in hiring another "outsider". So his remedy was to hire a former "insider" who was in a meaningful way out of the NFL for almost a decade. Any way you assess the brief Levy era it was even more of a disaster than the Donahoe stint.

    How do you figure? The Bills had a higher winning percentage under Marv/Brandon/Jauron than TD/Williams/Mularkey. The widely-hailed GM hire turned out worse than the "goofy" GM hires.

    What was even more odd than giving DJ an extension was that the organization refused to acknowlege the fact that they gave him an extension. Shortly after the very quiet extension was given the Bills went into a deep tailspin. The longer it went on the more reluctant the organization was in admitting that they gave the HC an extension. Eventually, they had to admit that the owner gave him an extension and were stuck with him longer than they really wanted to have him.


    It is difficult for any franchise to win when the front office is in a state of tumult. When the owner makes off the wall decisions ( ex. marketing guru presiding over the football operations) you shouldn't expect a very competent and stable operation.

    The Bills don't discuss contracts for players OR coaches. And I hope you're not saying that as a result of signing the extension, the Bills started losing.

  4. Wow, you've taken spinning to a whole new level. You call me a Trent apologist after I responded to your response to a post where I concluded that FITZPATRICK would end up getting the most starts. How can you spin Fitzpatrick will get the most starts into being a Trent apologist. I gave up on Trent as too injury prone after he came in for one series and a la Rob Johnson, got a season ending injury. So, stop trying to spin anyone who sees through this Brohm charade into a Trent Edwards apologist. As I've stated, the Brohm apologists contradict every thought as their posts increase.

    My mistake. I didn't realize there were actually Fitzpatrick apologists.

  5. I think Gailey being let go from K.C. was more to do with the new coach and "power of personality" struggles than anything Chan was or wasn't capable of.

    Probably. Haley is known to be a major Richard and Gailey was the only member of the previous regime's coaching staff who was retained.

  6. You are incorrect. Marv had some association with Jauron when DJ was coaching the Bears and Marv was doing some media work for the team during the preseasons. In addition, Marv lived in Chicago, so it shouldn't be surprising that he had contact with the Chicago HC. Dick Jauron was a Marv hire. He argued on DJ's behalf when the grizzly owner preferred Sherman.


    You make an interesting point about Marv not being involved with the NFL in a meaningful way for a number of years before he was hired by Ralph. That makes his hiring by the goofey owner even more peculiar.

    Marv stated he never med Jauron before he interviewed him. Even if that is false, the bigger point is that unlike Cowher with Gailey, Marv had never worked with Jauron before.


    As for the hiring of Levy as GM, after the widely-praised hiring of TD, only to see it fail and Ralph lose trust in an "outsider," he turned to the coach of his team during the glory years. Not so "goofey" (sic) as you make it out to be.


    And as for giving him a contract extenion after the 5-0 start, that's understandable as well. And certainly not as dumb as defending (not you) giving players $1B over 5 years and willing to risk a lockout/strike.

  7. That's easy. However some Brohm apologists , I'm not saying you since I don't follow who is the poster on most posts, are spinning like tops trying to defend the reasons why he ended up here. Some will use the match excuse as you did, but the simplest answer is that they were just trying to protect their insurance policy of a 3rd QB on the practice squad who actually knew the system for the rest of the 2009 season because bringing in someone new, which they ended up doing twice after Brohm came here because the 1st new guy signed with another team's 53, required teaching someone new the system, making that guy as worthless to GB as Brohm was to the 2009 Bills. (Funny, the Brohm apologists use Brohm was too new in the system as an excuse for the Atlanta debacle, but can't grasp why GB preferred their insurance QB to know their system).

    I've often answered that question with the insurance premise & then asked -If they were so high on Brohm then why didn't they try to exceed the Bills offer. So far nobody has come up with a real answer to that one. The typical Brohm guy answer is "why would they exceed the offer if he was 3rd & would never start over Rodgers?" That answer backs my answer the Packers only were looking at Brohm's 2009 insurance value & nothing more.

    The Brohm apologists have spun in different directions in the same threads. The best oxymoronic spin is the Packers didn't have the roster space to keep 3 QBs and that's the only reason Brohm was cut in September, but then they cite the "match offer". They claim the match offer is proof the Packers valued Brohm, yet this is the same team that valued him so much they were willing to get NOTHING in return when they waived him. Once again that logic only backs my insurance premise. Sure you can spin it that the spot opened up due to guys going on IR as the season progressed, but the bottom line is they did not do anything to protect their interests in Brohm until the Bills' offer-once again confirming the only interested in 2009 in season insurance premise.

    Then there are the ones (like above) who will list all these UFAs & late picks who flew under the radar, got cut & either were picked up on waivers or spent time on a practice squad & then made it big. What they fail to understand is that 2nd round QBs are on everyone's radar & they don't fly under the radar like these UFAs & late round guys do. The chance of a guy who was already under the radar succeeding are much better that an early round bust, especially at the QB spot, who got waived already. Just look at how many shots the 1st round busts get-I can't remember any recent 1st round QB bust making it after his 1st team waived him, even though other teams have tried with guys like Leaf, Harrington, McNow, Couch, and of course our two poster boys that each cost us a 1st -Rob Johnson & JP Losman. Sometimes I think the Brohm guys are closet JP guys who have finally moved on to a new lost cause. (That is until we get the posts from the JP diehards claiming he'll now emerge as the man in Seattle)

    Then there are the worse ones-the ones who don't even know that Brohm was waived, cleared waivers by all other 31 teams, then landed on the practice squad. They say things like "He was never waived, we got him off their practice squad". Those people who don't know how he got to the practice squad can't be reasoned with.

    I've written off Brohm because history tells us that there are virtually no mistakes when a team lets a high picked QB leave with no compensation (unless he's a veteran salary cap dump, often on his 2nd or 3rd contract). There are plenty of late round mistakes because the guys are not scrutinized as closely, explaining the Warners, Bulgers, Hasselbecks, and Moores etc.

    The only reason the "write off Brohm" is if you're a Trent apologist who doesn't like the fact that more and more people are in support of Brohm starting, and who can't see that Trent has not only proven to not be a good QB, but to be injury prone on top of that. If you want to go by "history," Trent has never had a winning season, either in college or the pros, and has never stayed healthy for an entire season.

  8. Don't get me wrong. I think that Gailey can believe Bell still has potential. I just find the reports that he was the "prospective starter" to be silly. He was the most penalized lineman in the NFL before getting hurt, and the type of injury he suffered (ACL) takes at least a full year to recover from.

  9. Hey Jerry nice post and I agree we should be tougher and more prepared. I think that was the gist of your post.


    I liked your quote with Jauron. Easy to bash a coach after he was unsuccessful huh? Wondering if that's what everyone was saying after his first year and after we almost made the playoffs and after we started out 5-1 a couple of seasons ago. How quick are we to forget. Don't get me wrong I don't like the guy after what he did with the Bills. Just easy to bash a guy when he's down.


    I remember when the Sabres first hired Scotty Bowmen. Boy was I excited! I thought for sure he was going to lead us to a stanley cup victory. We all know what happened before and after he departed. Two words STANLEY CUPS. Was he a bad coach? Was he a bad Sabres coach? What happened? Did he not have the right system and or players?


    I just feel like Coach Gailey is in a real difficult situation. I have a quote Gailey might be using too. "I wish I had the quality players to win." Pretty "catchy" huh?


    A linr I haven't used in awhile. What do you guys think?

    Unless you can predict the future, which you can't, all you have to go on is someone's body of work. Jauron was an uninspired hire, but the pickin's were slim for experienced head coaches in 2006. Every other team that year ended-up hiring a coordinator, and the Bills had just fired their 2nd consecutive coordinator-turned-head coach, so they weren't going to go that route again.


    In his first season, with wholesale changes, the Bills improved by 2 games over the previous season. So there was some reason for optimism. The 2008 season started promisingly enough, but the team fizzled down the stretch. Jauron's schemes were mostly to blame, as the Tampa-2 was becoming passe, while his desired offense was lame. He was a classy guy, but isn't HC material.


    There is some reason for optimism with Gailey. He knows offense. And he had a successful, albeit brief, HC'ing career. And the Bills will be running the new trend in defenses in the 3-4. Will it succeed? We'll have to wait and see. But the Bills have more quality players than you think. But that's the thing with changing schemes; you can't do it all in one off-season.

  10. The NFL will do a lot more than monitor this. Ralph has contractually agreed that this asset will not simply be sold to the highest bidder but that teams will only be sold to potential owners who are judged qualified by a vote of 75% of team owners.

    But...Ralph has it in his will that the team will be sold to the highest bidder. Jerry Sullivan said so!

  11. Call me crazy, but I think this whole thing was the plan a along. I think that the Bills knew that unless Jauron made a hugh turn around he was gone by week 8. It doesn't make sense that Nix would leave San Diego as a assistance GM for a director of scouting position with the Bills. He was told once Jauron flopps it's your team, just play along. I think the front office knew that it was a long shot that they were going to land Cowher or one the other big names. So Nix was brought in to take over, he already had Gailey ready to go and in this pocket. ( I can't remember ever hearding Gaily's name mentioned as a possible coaching candiate, he just came out of no where). the bills played the game, interviewed a black candiate, interviewed Fewell to save some face. All the other candiates refused to interview because they knew Gaily was the man all along and nobody wanted to look foolish. Bill cowher recommended him so people in buffalo would accept it better. Gailey being in college recently and from the south, must of spotted Brohm, liked in as a player and told Nix that's who he wants, so the Bills went out and picked him up, telling Brohm there plan so he would leave the packers even after the pac attempt to sign him once the bills made a move for him. Then they didn't draft a Qb, because Brohm was the man all along. I also think that Fewell was told not to play Brohm unless it 100% needed, just so he didn't get hurt, and screw up Nix and Gailys plan. Why won't they play Brohm last year? They said it was because he didn't have enough time to learn the plays and that true, but the Bills were going no where last year when he came, if he crapped the bed, big deal. I think it would have been more important to get him some hands on game experence and timing with current player. If Brohm is named the starter call me a genius, if it trent, call me goat. I'll take goat for now.

    Nix retired/resigned from the Chargers in April of 2008. The Bills hired him in January of 2009.


    Green Bay was not "hiding" Brohm anywhere or trying to "sneak" him on the practice squad. The only reason he was on the practice squad was because he cleared waivers after Green Bay threw him out there for free and had no takers. No matter how you Brohm fans spin it, the truth is Green Bay & the rest of the NFL thought he was garbage, otherwise someone would have claimed him. Second round picks cut their second year do not fly under the radar. I've seen plenty of excuses why Brohm was cut but the only real one is-Green Bay didn't give a rat's @ss if they lost him for nothing and nobody else cared enough to put in a waiver claim for him. Spin it any other way but that's the reality. If he "wins" the Bills job all it means is there is no NFL QB on this roster.

    Personally, my guess is when the season is over, Fitzpatrick will have the most starts and we'll head into the offseason with the same QB situation we headed into this offseason-no quality starting QB on the roster. The only difference will be both Edwards' & Brohm's contracts will be up (if not sooner) and they'll be looking to bring in a legitimate NFL QB for 2011, even if he is a rookie.

    So then, why did Green Bay match the Bills' offer, if he was "garbage?" They had the great Matt Flynn as backup QB.

  12. http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/...nd-observations


    TG says Edwards has looked the best out of the three real contenders for the job, but that Brohm has had some decent moments.

    Gailey also said that Brohm has come on as of late. If the keeps progressing, he should win the job. We've seen pretty much all we're going to get out of Edwards and Fitz, and Edwards' confidence is shot and he's injury prone. Plus since everyone views this as a rebuilding year, they can justify playing Brohm as getting a jump on the future.

  13. Good point and I think you have me all figured out. I am "so tired" of being depressed, disappointed, angry, etc..over the years that I have built up a wall of cynicism. I know it's not right but it is what it is...

    Different people have different coping mechanisms. I'm glad you found one that works.

  14. Ok, you want the truth, heres the truth. We really have no idea what is going to happen on this team. No one does. The way you look at it could be true. However, most of us FANS like to look a little bit more optimistic, and would like to think that some players on this team will step up and we will do good.

    It's easier/less painful being a cynic. That way you can never be disappointed.

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